Our results show that the effects on search times of specific background textures (wave vs. culture) are not simply predicted by background RMS contrast, although both were significantly slower than the plain background. The effects of the opaque and multiplicative text on the culture pattern were predicted by the adjusted index. The culture pattern contained less RMS contrast than the wave pattern, but the condition with the slowest search times was the low-contrast culture pattern with additive transparency. In the other contrast and transparency conditions, there was not a significant difference between the two patterns. As recommended by
Ward, Parks, and Crone (1995), placing the transparent text information over less textured areas should increase readability. However, when this is not possible, background RMS contrast may not be the best predictor for readability.
Type of transparency also influenced readability. There was no evidence that the multiplicative text was either better or worse than the corresponding opaque text. However, in general, the additive text led to slower search times even taking into account the lowering of the contrast from the text luminance. Unfortunately, we do not have corresponding data on light, nontransparent text, so we do not know whether transparency or lightness is the problem.
Figure 4 shows that while equivalent contrast could be said to generate significantly lower reading performance when it is below a critical value of 0.15
(Hill, 2001), the figure is also consistent with no critical value and a continuous improvement of performance up to a contrast of 1. The possible discrepancy between this and other results strongly indicates that a critical contrast (
Legge et al., 1987; and
Pastoor, 1990) may be dependent on the task and the individuals performing it. For example, using a different task and two participants, Legge et al. concluded that the critical contrast for opaque text on a plain background was 0.30, whereas the results from
Scharff et al. (2000) and
Hill (2001) suggest that the cutoff is lower. The large variance for the 0.10 contrast level from
Hill (2001) suggests that there will be individual differences (perhaps due to age in this case) with respect to such a cut off and the slow increase in performance at high contrasts may result from individual differences.
Much HUD research is concerned with accommodation issues (
Edgar & Reeves, 1997;
Iavecchia, Iavecchia, & Roscoe, 1988;
Leitner & Haines, 1981). Rarer are HUD studies of legibility as a function of the background (
Ward et al., 1995) and text contrast (
Weintraub & Ensing, 1992, as cited in
Ververs & Wickens, 1996).
Ward et al. (1995) investigated participants’ ability to identify targets and speedometer changes in simulated automobile HUDs as a function of high-, medium-, or low-background complexity (subjectively defined) and position of the HUD within the visual field. Not surprisingly, performance was better with less complex backgrounds, and better when the HUD was placed over the roadway rather than in the areas of the visual scene that contained more background variation. Unfortunately, in automobiles, there may be heavy traffic obscuring the roadway, and in airplanes, there is no analogy to a roadway; although, in general, the sky shows less variation than does a ground scene. Thus, unlike Web pages, there may not be an easy way to avoid the influence of background textures.
For text displays, such as Web pages, it is easy to recommend the use of plain backgrounds with moderate-to-high-contrast text, and very high text contrasts if patterned backgrounds are used. This recommendation is not useful for HUDs or see-through LCD displays; they will inevitably contain textured backgrounds, and while very high-contrast text may aid readability of the information, it will decrease discriminability in the background.
Weintraub and Ensing (1992) concluded that, for moderate ambient illumination HUD conditions, at least a 1.5/1 luminance-contrast ratio (0.5 contrast) is the most ideal. Our results suggest that such a contrast would still lead to occasional conditions where readability would be significantly reduced.
Ververs and Wickens (1996) investigated the use of different levels of contrast for different information items in the HUD. When less relevant information was presented with lower contrast, performance was better than when all information was presented with the higher contrast. However, they did not specify the contrast levels used, nor did they systematically manipulate contrast in order to determine the best values for the low-versus the high-contrast items. Our results suggest that, for plain backgrounds, the low-contrast level could be 0.30 and still be equally readable while offering the dual contrast advantage. However, for textured backgrounds, if 0.50 is used as the high-contrast level, reducing contrast much below that for the lower contrast level could easily lead to conditions where readability would be significantly hampered.