Thus each mechanism has a scale-dependent disparity range and resolution. So, a stimulus whose spatial-frequency bandwidth is broad relative to that of individual channels is unlikely to produce a disparity increment threshold function that depends on any one channel. Not only spatial-frequency bandwidth but also orientation bandwidth and contrast must be taken into account in evaluating channel contributions to the increment threshold function — orientation, because a broader range of horizontal disparities can be read by an obliquely oriented receptive field than by a vertical one; and contrast, because a wider range of spatial-frequency and orientation components can contribute to disparity detection at high than at low contrast. Among the band-limited patterns previously used to measure increment thresholds, Rohaly and Wilson’s (
1993) D6 patterns had a full-width, half-amplitude spatial-frequency bandwidth of one octave and a contrast of 50%, whereas Badcock and Schor’s (
1985) difference-of-Gaussians had a spatial-frequency bandwidth of 1.75 octaves and a contrast of 100%. Differences-of-Gaussians with this bandwidth were also used by Siderov and Harwerth (
1993b), though generally at a lower contrast. McKee, Levi, and Bowne (
1990) used high-contrast lines as stimuli. All these patterns were oriented and their orientation bandwidths varied from one to another. Spatial-frequency bandwidths varied inversely with center frequency in Smallman & MacLeod’s (
1997) filtered random-dot stereograms (RDSs), which had a root mean square (RMS) contrast of 0.3, but these RDSs were isotropically filtered, so the stimulus horizontal spatial-frequency bandwidth was larger than the filter bandwidth. Schumer and Julesz (
1984) used unfiltered RDSs and varied the frequency of the disparity modulation. Only in these studies using RDSs was disparity generated by offsetting just the carrier rather than by offsetting both the carrier and the envelope; an envelope offset may introduce monocular cues (Smallman & MacLeod,
1997; McKee, Levi, & Bowne,
1990) and second-order matching (Hess & Wilcox,
1994; Schor, Edwards, & Pope,
1998; Langley, Fleet, & Hibbard,
1999, McKee, Verghese, & Farell,
in press; Stelmach & Buckthought,