What neural mechanisms might underlie this ability to flexibly adjust perceptual weights? Although a wealth of multisensory experiments have been carried out in anesthetized animals (Jiang, Wallace, Jiang, Vaughan, & Stein,
2001; Meredith, Nemitz, & Stein,
1987; Stanford, Quessy, & Stein,
2005), many fewer have been carried out in behaving animals; as a result, much about the underlying neural mechanisms for optimal integration remain unknown. Here, our subjects reweighted sensory inputs even when the relative reliabilities varied from trial to trial, suggesting that the dynamic weighting could not have resulted from long-term changes in synaptic strengths (for instance, between primary sensory areas and downstream targets). The required timescales of such mechanisms are far too long to explain dynamic weighting. One possibility is that populations of cortical neurons automatically encode stimulus reliability due to the firing rate statistics of cortical neurons. Assuming Poisson-like firing statistics, neural populations naturally reflect probability distributions (Salinas & Abbott,
1994; Sanger,
1996). Unreliable stimuli may generate population responses with reduced gain and increased variability at the population level (Beck et al.,
2008; Deneve, Latham, & Pouget,
2001; Ma, Beck, Latham, & Pouget,
2006). Such models of probabilistic population coding offer an explanation for how dynamic cue weighting might be automatically implemented as a circuit mechanism without changes in synaptic strengths. A plausible circuit implementation of such a coding scheme has been recently described in the context of multisensory integration (Ohshiro, Angelaki, & DeAngelis,
2011); this model allows for random connectivity among populations of sensory neurons and achieves sensitivity to stimulus reliability using well-established mechanisms of divisive normalization (Carandini, Heeger, & Movshon,
1997; Heeger,
1993; Sclar & Freeman,