The use of physically based computer graphics is rapidly increasing in vision science and particularly in the study of color vision and the perception of material properties (e.g., Yang & Maloney,
2001; Fleming, Dror, & Adelson,
2003; Delahunt & Brainard,
2004; Xiao, Hurst, MacIntyre, & Brainard,
2012) as well as in the analysis of properties of the images formed from realistic visual scenes (e.g., Ruppertsberg & Bloj,
2007; Butler, Wulff, Stanley, & Black,
2012; Kim, Marlow, & Anderson,
2012). Using graphics to generate stimuli has the attractive feature that the experimenter can specify the scene in terms of the physical properties of shapes and light sources in the scene and then use software to produce the appropriate images for delivery to the subject. Doing so allows the independent variables in an experiment to be cast in terms of the distal stimulus. This is a critical advance for those interested in how visual processing transforms the retinal image into useful perceptual representations of the world around us.
For studying vision, a desirable property of a graphics system is physical accuracy. We would like the images viewed by a subject to be as close as possible to those that he or she would have experienced if viewing the actual scene specified. The goal of physical accuracy is, at present, met only in approximation: Models of surface reflectance approximate the actual reflectance of light from real objects, renderers embody simplifying assumptions to keep calculations tractable, and display technology limits the fidelity with which computed images can be delivered to the eye. Nonetheless, the quality of results that may be obtained with modern graphics software, and hardware is impressive and promises to keep getting better.
The basic tools to allow practicing vision scientists to incorporate graphics into their experiments are now widely available. Open-source (e.g., Blender, and commercial (e.g., Maya, 3-D modeling programs provide graphical interfaces that allow users to specify the geometry of a scene, including the positions, sizes, and shapes of light sources and objects. Open-source (Radiance, Larson & Shakespeare,
1998; PBRT, Pharr & Humphreys,
2010; Mitsuba, Jakob,
2010) as well as commercial (e.g., Maxwell,; Arion, renderers have as a design goal good physical accuracy.
Although the basic graphics tools are available, we have found that their use in vision science is greatly facilitated by additional software that enables a smooth and flexible workflow between 3-D modeler, renderer, and experimental stimuli. Here we describe such software, which we call RenderToolbox3 and which is implemented as a set of MATLAB ( utilities. RenderToolbox3 is freely available under an open-source license ( It currently supports one open-source 3-D modeler (Blender) and two open-source renderers (PBRT and Mitsuba). Both renderers aim for physical accuracy, support multispectral rendering, and are well documented.
RenderToolbox3 is neither a 3-D modeler nor a renderer per se. Rather, it is designed to provide the following broad functionalities:
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we provide an overview of the design of RenderToolbox3 and describe a typical workflow. Then, we review a number of examples provided with the toolbox that illustrate its functionality. We conclude with a broader discussion.