However, for one set of control data, we fixed the interocular phase of the grating and the edge disparity at zero and varied the disparity of the reference line from trial to trial.
Figure 5 shows thresholds plotted as a function of the spatial frequency of the grating. Note that the leftmost point is for an empty, bright rectangle, equal in area to the grating. These results demonstrate that sensitivity is affected by the carrier, even when the reference line, not the interocular phase of the carrier, is varied from trial to trial. Moreover, thresholds for the rectangle, a stand-in for the ‘envelope alone’, are somewhat worse than thresholds for the grating segments. Stereoacuity for the rectangle is degraded because the sharp vertical edges that carry the disparity information are presented at 3° eccentricity, whereas the interocular phase information of the grating is presented within the fovea. Nevertheless, it is likely that the edges of the rectangle provide better disparity information than the edges of the grating. In our prior work (McKee et al.,
2004), we argued that the edge disparities of the grating segment were mediated by second-order stereo mechanisms that respond to the envelope, rather than the carrier (Hess & Wilcox,
1994; Wilcox,
1999; Schor, Edwards, & Sato,
2001; Langley, Fleet, & Hibbard,
1999; Read & Cumming,
2003). These second-order envelope mechanisms are thought to be fairly coarse, corresponding to filters with a peak tuning in the 0.25- to 0.5-cpd range. Human stereoacuity for gratings in this spatial frequency range is very poor, producing thresholds that are worse than our thresholds at 20-arcmin disparity (Schor & Wood,
1983; Legge & Gu,
1989). Also, Hess and Wilcox (
1994) found that thresholds for a wide Gaussian envelope, presented in the fixation plane, were 3–5 arcmin. Therefore, we speculate that, even if we had varied the envelope disparity from trial to trial for the data shown in
Figure 2, the envelope by itself would contribute little to sensitivity.