However, a question remains: why did pursuit of the RDC require less attention than pursuit of the spot? We believe there exists a relatively reflexive and subconscious neural mechanism devoted to pursuing objects that extend beyond the fovea and stimulate peripheral retina. This mechanism is likely subserved by motion-processing circuitry in MT/MST, which contains pursuit neurons that respond to large textured motion stimuli (Komatsu & Wurtz,
1988), but may also recruit circuitry in the system that generates the optokinetic reflex (OKR). Indeed, the size of our RDC (22.6° × 37.7°) is in the range of those used to elicit OKR and ocular following in humans (20° × 15° for small-field OKN, e.g., Dieterich, Bucher, Seelos, & Brandt,
2000; 32° × 25.6° for ocular following, e.g., Sheliga, Chen, FitzGibbon, & Miles,
2005). As a subsystem of ocular following, OKR circuitry may have been modified through evolution to pursue objects, such as another proximal person or animal, common in natural scenes. Supporting this notion, the nucleus of the optic track (NOT), which is commonly thought to drive OKR (Hoffmann, Distler, Erickson, & Mader,
1988; Kato, Harada, Hasegawa, & Ikarashi,
1988; Schiff, Cohen, & Raphan,
1988), contains neurons that respond during pursuit (Mustari & Fuchs,
1990) and might be involved in pursuit of larger objects. This modern, yet still mostly automatic, OKR circuitry releases attention for the inspection of an object's features, which uses a foveate system of fixation and saccades.