Thus, despite agreement over the fact that there is LTM for visual details, there remains a fundamental disagreement over whether scene memory can be cleanly divided into two storage systems. The dual stage theory (Hollingworth,
2005; Hollingworth & Hollingworth,
2004) is based on studies of change detection for computer-generated scenes. In a series of papers, Hollingworth and Henderson showed that change detection for objects was better for objects fixated around the time of the change (Hollingworth,
2005; Henderson & Hollingworth,
2003; Hollingworth & Henderson,
2002; Hollingworth & Hollingworth,
2004; Hollingworth, Schrock, & Henderson,
2001; Hollingworth, Williams, et al.,
2001). This is consistent with other reports (O'Regan et al.,
2000; Zelinsky,
2001) but may not be surprising, given that performance in difficult tasks tends to improve in general when we look at and/or pay attention to task-relevant items (Nelson & Loftus,
1980; Kowler, Anderson, Dosher, & Blaser,
1995). Moreover, Henderson and Hollingworth found that change detection was best when the changed target was completely different from the original object, whereas performance was still above chance when replaced by a conceptually similar object or a rotated version of the object. Change detection was also superior for recently fixated items (for similar findings of recency effects with natural scenes, see also Irwin & Zelinsky,
2002; Zelinsky,
2001), supporting the claim that change detection involves short-term memory (Luck & Vogel,
1997; Todd & Marois,
2004; Vogel & Machizawa,
2004). While short-term memory appears to play a role in change detection, performance was still above chance for items viewed tens or hundreds of fixations earlier (Hollingworth,
2003), providing further evidence for long-term retention of object details (Friedman,
1979; Parker,
1978). Given that Hollingworth and Henderson found both recency effects and memory over a period of minutes, they proposed that scene memory involves both STM and LTM.