Journal of Vision is an outstanding journal, in large measure because of the contributions of the reviewers who give so freely of their time and expertise to critically evaluating manuscripts for the journal.
We always attempt to ascertain reviewers who not only provide the necessary expertise, but are also fair in their judgment, reflecting the significant responsibilities of reviewers to the editors, authors and readers of the journal (see below, based on the Council of Science Editors White Paper on Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications:
While the Editorial Board Members ultimately make the decisions, they rely on our expert reviewers to:
Likewise, authors rely on our expert reviewers to:
And our readers rely on the reviewers to:
In short, reviewers are the backbone of the journal, providing critical input to the editors, authors and readers. Last year Journal of Vision initiated a program to recognize reviewers who go “above and beyond” to assist authors in improving their work by making helpful suggestions or providing new insights. In these cases, an Editorial Board Member can designate the review as “Exceptional,” and the exceptional reviewer receives a note from the Editor-in-Chief, thanking them for their contribution to Journal of Vision and to the field.
This year, about 550 reviewers generously contributed their time and expertise to reviewing manuscripts for Journal of Vision (many providing multiple reviews). Eighty-six (roughly fifteen percent), received the Exceptional reviewer designation, and they should be proud of the service that they provided to the editors, authors and readers of Journal of Vision.
In closing, I would like to thank
each of the colleagues who reviewed manuscripts for
Journal of Vision in the last year.
Journal of Vision would not be the outstanding journal that it is without your generous and expert contributions.