For simplicity in discussing the results of these experiments, we use the following notational convention. We refer to an experiment by the trio Background (target, distractors), where “Background,” “target,” and “distractors” represent in words the colors used for these three components of the stimuli. These color words do not represent precisely the colors used, but rather are a mnemonic to capture the essence of the experimental condition. For example, in Experiment 1, we run the conditions Gray (red, pink), Gray (pink, red), DarkRed (red, pink), and DarkRed (pink, red) (i.e., for both gray and red backgrounds, observers search for both a red target among less saturated pink distractors, and a pink target among more saturated red distractors).
Results clearly show that color search asymmetries depend on the color of the background. Changing the background color can reverse the direction of an asymmetry, abolish asymmetries that occurred when the background was achromatic, and introduce asymmetries where there were none. Asymmetries were often much larger when stimuli were presented against a luminous background than when stimuli were presented against a dark background (Nagy & Cone,
1996) and depend on the luminance contrast between the stimuli and the background. This can be true even when luminance is not a useful cue for distinguishing between the target and distractors. Two different backgrounds that have the same effect on the cardinal color mechanism that one might assume would be used to discriminate target and distractor stimuli (Experiment 3) produce different asymmetries. These results suggest that signals in all three cardinal mechanisms influence the asymmetries and that the cardinal mechanisms do not act independently in the search process. Either observers do not attend only to signals in the cardinal color mechanism that is used to discriminate target and distractors or signals in the cardinal mechanisms interact under the conditions of the search experiments.
Results support the hypothesis that asymmetries in color search are dependent on the relationship between the stimuli and the background against which the stimuli are viewed, even when the stimuli are easily visible against the background. Any explanation of asymmetries in color search will need to include this relationship as a key component.
Given that a model of search mediated by independent cardinal color mechanisms seems not to predict these results, one might ask what sort of model does make these predictions. Certainly, the model must take into account the background color relative to the target and distractor colors, as well as the difference between the target and distractors. This dependence on the background color means that most existing models of visual search will not explain these results, as most such models ignore the background color. However, a number of models can probably be adapted to take into account the background color and thus predict these results. We will demonstrate this for two models in the following section.
The model must explain the following main effects that result from changing the background color from achromatic to red:
Reversal of the search asymmetry when searching for a saturated reddish target among less saturated distractors of approximately the same hue. [Experiments 1 & 2: Gray (red, pink) is easier than Gray (pink, red), but DarkRed (pink, red) is easier than DarkRed (red, pink).]
Inducement of a search asymmetry when searching for a target that differs from distractors in hue. [Experiment 4: DarkRed (blue, red) is easier than DarkRed (red, blue), but Gray (blue, red) ≈ Gray (red, blue).]
Elimination of the search asymmetry when searching for a saturated violet target among less saturated distractors of approximately the same hue. [Experiment 3: DarkRed (blue, desatBlue) ≈ DarkRed (desatBlue, blue), but Gray (blue, desatBlue) is easier than Gray (desatBlue, blue).]
In addition, a model must explain the additional effects:
It is important to note that all of these main and secondary effects are specific to the relationships between the target-distractor pairs and the background colors used for the particular experiments presented in this work.
In this section, we suggest two candidate models and show that both of them qualitatively predict all but one of the main and secondary experimental results of this study. The first model is the saliency model (Rosenholtz,
2001a) that originally motivated these experiments. The second model is a modification to a signal detection theory model of visual search.