We address this question using the tilt aftereffect (TAE), a misperception in orientation following prior viewing of an oriented stimulus. The TAE and related tilt illusion (TI) have both been used extensively to probe whether contours defined by different attributes are subserved by the same or by different underlying mechanisms (Berkley, Debruyn, & Orban,
1994; Bockisch,
1999; Clifford, Pearson, Forte, & Spehar,
2003; Georgeson & Schofield,
2002; Paradiso, Shimojo, & Nakayama,
1989; Poom,
2000; van der Zwan & Wenderoth,
1994). The basic premise of such experiments is that changes in perception of a test stimulus caused by a previously or simultaneously presented “adaptation” stimulus are attributable to a common stage of orientation representation of the two stimuli. In the case of the TAE, prolonged viewing of an “adapting” line or grating causes a shift in the perceived orientation of a subsequently viewed “test” line/grating. A maximal repulsive effect is seen for adapt and test stimuli differing in orientation by 10–20 deg, using either gratings (Poom,
2000; van der Zwan & Wenderoth,
1995) or lines (Blakemore, Carpenter, & Georgeson,
1970; Carpenter & Blakemore,
1973; Paradiso et al.,
1989; Skottun, Johnsen, & Magnussen,
1981). A less prolonged misperception of test angle can also be seen even with very short “adaptation” presentations (e.g., Harris & Calvert,
1989). This repulsive misperception has been termed the “direct” effect and is generally accepted to be the result of altered patterns of activity in orientation-selective neurons in V1/V2, most likely due to inhibitory interactions (Blakemore et al.,
1970; Carpenter & Blakemore,
1973; Magnussen & Kurtenbach,
1980b; Morrone, Burr, & Maffei,
1982; Wenderoth & Johnstone,
1987). Hence, the existence and magnitude of the direct effect between contour types can be considered a measure of their shared sites of encoding in at this early level.