Figure 4 shows the results for the higher contrast (≥50%) flickering backgrounds. At low frequencies of the flickering background (top panels of
Figure 4), although there are certainly differences among the curves, the curves in all the studies are quite similar in terms of height and shape. They all have clearly defined narrow troughs at 270 deg, with a broad range of phases producing near-peak values. (They seem to differ slightly in “bumpiness,” which we will discuss later.)
In the two panels representing middle frequencies (middle panels of
Figure 4), two of the curves are different from the rest, those plotted with white symbols (“H” for Hood et al.,
1997, and “Y” for Shady,
2000, pp. 39–74). All the data sets other than “H” and “Y” show much the same shape as at the lower frequencies; that is, they show a narrow trough at 270 deg and a broad range of phases yielding near-peak values. The “H” and “Y” data sets, on the other hand, never show these features in this middle-frequency range. Instead they show the following:
In the middle-left panel, the “Y” curve is much higher than the rest, and rather than having a clearly defined trough at 270 deg, there is a range of phases from 135 to 270 deg, all producing values near the trough. Also, rather than having a broad peak, this curve has a narrow peak occurring at a phase of 0 deg (equivalently 360 deg). The height and peak-to-trough distance of the “H” curve is much lower than that of “Y,” but the general shape of the curve is similar with a broad trough at much the same phases as those of the “Y” results and a peak at 0 and 45 deg.
In the middle-right panel, both the “H” and “Y” curves are higher and flatter than the rest of the curves. The 8‐Hz “Y” curve has a broad peak and a broad trough (sharing some similarities with the 4‐Hz “H” curve in the middle-left panel). The 8‐Hz “H” curve peak and trough are phase‐shifted relative to all the other curves. (This change in the phase of the peak and trough was one of the features noted by Hood et al.,
1997, and explicitly modeled by Sherman & Spitzer,
2000, in their attempt to model these data.)
The above description emphasizes the differences between the “H” and “Y” results and the “majority results” in this middle-frequency range, but it is important to note the similarities among curves as well:
The linear probe-threshold versus phase curves for all the studies rise vertically in these middle frequencies in such a way that even at the minima of the curves, the thresholds are distinctly elevated above the steady-state threshold. For example, in the 8- to 13-Hz range (middle-right panel), the lowest threshold is still 0.3 log units above the steady-state threshold! This attribute of the data is important and we use it to help discriminate among models in the
Discussion section.
Now, let us look at the higher frequency range, shown in the bottom panels of
Figure 4.
On the basis of the results in this range, one might not want to say that “Y” and “H” are definitely different (or definitely not different) from the majority results. For one thing, there is only one curve from each of these studies in this whole frequency range. For another thing, while that 16-Hz “H” curve looks distinctly different from all the others in the bottom-left panel, the 16-Hz “Y” curve does not. (On the other hand, that 16-Hz “Y” curve [bottom-left panel] does look quite a bit like the 8-Hz “H” curve [middle-right panel], including showing the phase shift mentioned above.)
There is an overall trend with temporal frequency in this high-frequency range, which is the opposite of that in the low- to middle-frequency range. In this high-frequency range, the probe-threshold versus phase curves fall as frequency increases. To see this, compare the curves in the 16- to 25‐Hz range (bottom-left panel) with the curves in the 30- to 40-Hz range (the top three curves of the bottom-right panel) and with the curves in the 50- to 100-Hz range (the bottom five curves of the bottom-right panel). As frequency increases, the curves drop toward the steady-state level (0 on these plots).
Another way of looking at the high-contrast results—and of comparing the “H” and “Y” results with the majority results—is to look at the four summary measures plotted in
Figure 5 (from the results shown in
Figure 4). Overall, there is an
interaction among the summary measures: For all the data–sets, three of the four summary measures (top left, bottom left, and bottom right) look very similar and bandpass with values rising to a peak in some middle-frequency range and decreasing on either side. The log peak-to-trough summary measure (top right) is different, it being primarily lowpass.
In the three panels of
Figure 5 showing bandpass functions, there is a difference between the “H” and “Y” results and the other data sets: The “H” and “Y” functions peak around 8 Hz, whereas the other data sets' functions peak at substantially higher temporal frequencies (consistent with a peak of about 24 Hz). Thus, the “H” and “Y” results look like the other results shifted to the left (and up a bit). In the fourth panel showing lowpass functions, the difference is not quite as clear. The “H” and “Y” curves are in the same range as the “W” and “K” curves (“W” for Wolfson & Graham,
2001a, and “K” for Shickman,
1970), but all these curves are shifted left (and down a bit) from the “B,” “S,” and “U” curves (“B” for Boynton et al.,
1961, “S” for Snippe et al.,
2000, and “U” for Wu et al.,
1997). If we just look at the decreasing portions of the curves, then the “H” and “Y” curves again look like the other results shifted to the left. These shifts could mean that effective frequency in the “H” and “Y” experiments was (for some reason) higher than in the other experiments. To put it another way, much of the difference between the “H” and “Y” results and the majority results can be summarized by saying that the effects of the flickering background generally occur at lower temporal frequencies for the “H” and “Y” experiments than those for the majority experiments.