We performed a similar analysis for MC cells and luminance modulation. At higher frequencies, the effect of the discrete nature of impulse trains becomes marked. This is illustrated (for 19.5 Hz modulation) in
Figure 4. For an unmodulated field (0% contrast), with a maintained firing of ∼10 imp/s, about half the cycles contain zero impulses, most contain one impulse and a few contain more. Thus, most of the individual cycle first-harmonic amplitudes are either zero or distributed on a circle around the origin when there is just one impulse at a random phase (
Figure 4A). At 12.5% contrast, 0–3 impulses occur per cycle, and at 50% contrast, 1–4 impulses per cycle are evoked. If impulses do occur, they tend to be tightly phase locked to the stimulus that constrains the amplitude of the first-harmonic, as also seen in
Figure 4A. Peristimulus response histograms are shown for each condition, which illustrate the tendency toward multiple peaks, with one phase-locked impulse per peak. This is marked at high contrast where three distinct peaks occur, each representing an impulse tightly locked to the stimulus. The resulting distributions of response amplitudes now tend to be restricted to peaks corresponding to 0, 1, 2… impulses per cycle (
Figure 4B). This results in ROC curves made up primarily of straight-line segments (
Figure 4C). Because the underlying distributions are multimodal, the resulting neurometric functions are no longer well fit by Weibull functions, as seen in
Figure 4D. Because even at high contrasts occasional cycles fail to evoke an impulse, 100% detection is approached less rapidly, and the slope of the fitted function becomes shallower. Cortical mechanisms must be able to analyze input signals in the face of these noncontinuous distributions in the statistics of the input, although these effects tend to be washed out if many cells combine to input to detector mechanisms, as discussed in a later section.