The shading information in a scene is inherently ambiguous. However, shading often produces a compelling perception of 3D shape because our visual system employs prior knowledge or assumptions about the statistical regularities in the environment to interpret the 2D information. Evidence suggests that observers assume a single light source (Kleffner & Ramachandran,
1992; Ramachandran,
1988) that is positioned roughly overhead (Adams, Graf, & Ernst,
2004; Brewster,
1862; Kleffner & Ramachandran,
1992; Mamassian & Goutcher,
2001; Ramachandran,
1988) to recover shape from shading. Such assumptions are consistent with the majority of our experience in naturally and artificially lit scenes. In addition, it has been proposed that observers use an assumption of convexity, in alignment with the predominance of convex, over concave, objects in the world (Langer & Bülthoff,
2001; Sun & Perona,
1997). Experimental studies into the processing of shading information have used both shape judgment tasks (Adams et al.,
2004; Chacón,
2004; Kleffner & Ramachandran,
1992; Mamassian & Goutcher,
2001; Ramachandran,
1988) and visual search tasks (Aks & Enns,
1992; Chacón,
2004; Enns & Rensink,
1990; Kleffner & Ramachandran,
1992; Sun & Perona,
1998). The use of shaded stimuli in visual search tasks is particularly interesting; performance in these tasks suggests that 3D shape can act as a preattentive feature, a controversial claim given that these features are traditionally considered to be based on 2D image properties rather than those of the 3D scene (Kleffner & Ramachandran,
The study of visual search performance using shaded objects (such as those shown in
Figure 1A) has generated two robust findings. Firstly, observers' search performance is substantially more efficient for stimuli with vertical rather than horizontal shading gradients. For vertical gradients, search is faster (Kleffner & Ramachandran,
1992; Sun & Perona,
1998) and independent of set size (Kleffner & Ramachandran,
1992). From shape judgment tasks, we know that perceived depth is reduced and more ambiguous for disks with horizontal shading (Adams et al.,
2004; Ramachandran,
1988). Kleffner and Ramachandran (
1992) therefore argue that the difference between search performance in the horizontal and vertical conditions demonstrates that target detection is not based on differences in luminance polarity per se but rather on 3D shape, reconstructed in accordance with the light-from-above prior. In other words, depth perception is impaired with horizontal gradients and this makes target detection more difficult. Recently, Adams (
2007) showed that the stimulus orientation (or lighting direction) for optimal visual search varies substantially across individuals. However, these individual variations are coupled with variations in shape perception, i.e., observers that see the most unambiguous 3D shape in objects illuminated from the top-left and bottom-right, also perform best in visual search displays illuminated from those directions. This strongly suggests, again, that visual search is closely related to perceived shape.
The second reliable finding to emerge from visual search studies is that within vertical (or near-vertical) gradient stimuli, performance is significantly better for targets which are dark at the top among top-light distracters compared to stimuli with the opposite arrangement (Chacón,
2004; Kleffner & Ramachandran,
1992; Sun & Perona,
1998). In other words, a concave target amongst convex distracters is more easily detected than a convex target amongst concave distracters. Enns and Rensink (
1990) reported a similar asymmetry with cube stimuli (although inverting a cube target relative to its distracters generally affects perceived reflectance, rather than shape). This search asymmetry is usually explained in terms of more efficient processing of distracters that conform to the assumptions or preferences for convex, top-lit objects (e.g., Sun & Perona,
1997). Enns and Rensink also propose that search is based on shape (or associated reflectance) but suggest that pop-out corresponds to
deviation from the light-from-above direction, and thus concave targets are easier to detect. In contrast, Chacón (
2004) proposed that the asymmetry is due to the difference in perceived contrast of stimuli shaded in the two directions, presumably as a result of the reduced perceived depth in concave stimuli.
In summary, visual search behavior observed with shaded stimuli has led many researchers to suggest that the preattentive features driving pop-out may include not only 2D image properties but also perceived 3D shape and/or the associated perceived surface reflectance. This proposal would further suggest that the priors for light-from-above and convexity that guide the interpretation of shading information are incorporated in early, preattentive visual processing.
In the present study, we aimed to modify observers' priors for light-from-above and convexity by providing visual–haptic training in an environment inconsistent with these prior assumptions. We then investigated the effect of this training on subsequent visual search behavior. During training, our observers interacted, using both visual and haptic (touch) information, with an environment in which the average lighting direction was shifted by ±27.5° relative to the observer's original light-prior. In addition, convex and concave objects were equally prevalent in the trained environment. Adams et al. (
2004) previously demonstrated that the light-from-above prior can be modified by visual–haptic training. In that study, training affected subsequent shape perception of the trained stimuli, but also generalized to affect the perceived reflectance of novel stimuli. Here we investigate whether trained changes in shape perception will be mirrored by changes in visual search behavior. Such a finding would have two implications; firstly, that perceived 3D shape (derived using prior assumptions) is the preattentive feature driving visual search with shaded stimuli, and secondly, that visual–haptic training can modify priors at an early preattentive stage of processing.