During walking, there are multiple sources of information about direction of self-motion. Moving through an environment produces optic flow, which is a rich source of information about self-motion. Previous studies have found that observers can judge heading from optic flow in an accurate and robust manner (e.g., Warren, Blackwell, Kurtz, Hatsopoulos, & Kalish,
1991; Warren, Morris, & Kalish,
1988). Nonvisual sensory information about self-motion is also available from vestibular and proprioceptive cues, and observers are capable of judging heading from this information alone (Butler, Smith, Campos, & Bülthoff,
2010; Ohmi,
1996; Telford, Howard, & Ohmi,
1995). When movement is self-initiated, as when walking, the motor system provides another potential source of information. The visual-motor system has some implicit knowledge about the relationship between motor commands and the expected consequences, as evidenced by our ability to initiate movement in the direction of a target from a standing position. This knowledge could potentially be used to predict the expected heading direction resulting from active movement, thereby providing another potential source of information about heading direction.
The purpose of this study was to measure the reliability of visual and nonvisual cues to direction of self-motion during walking, and test whether these cues are integrated in a statistically optimal manner. An optimal model would integrate all sources of information about self-motion according to their relative reliability. For example, if visual-motor prediction of heading direction has low uncertainty and nonvisual sensory information is very noisy, it would be beneficial to rely heavily on optic flow to estimate heading direction. On the other hand, if predicted heading is highly reliable and nonvisual cues provide precise estimates of heading, optimal integration would predict less weighting of optic flow. Measurement of the reliability of heading perception from visual and nonvisual cues allows quantitative prediction of their expected contributions.
An approach for testing for optimality is to measure the reliability of different cues and use these measures to predict optimal cue weights and variance reduction from multiple cues, which can then be compared to measured values. Using this paradigm, human sensory integration has been found to be near-optimal in a variety of contexts (e.g., Alais & Burr,
2004; Ernst & Banks,
2002; Hillis, Watt, Landy, & Banks,
2004; Jacobs,
1999; Knill & Saunders,
2003; Lovell, Bloj, & Harris,
2012; Shams, Ma, & Beierholm,
Some recent studies have used this paradigm to test whether visual and vestibular cues to direction of self-motion are integrated in a statically optimally manner.
Butler et al. (2010) measured heading discrimination thresholds from vision and vestibular cues in isolation, and tested whether the reliability of single cues predicted variance reduction and cue weighting in combined cue conditions. Thresholds in combined cue conditions were consistent with optimal integration, but cue weights were not. Both vision and vestibular cues affected judgments, but observers relied on vestibular cues more than predicted based on measured reliability. Fetsch, Turner, DeAngelis, and Angelaki (
2009) observed similar results for trained monkeys: optimal reduction in variance, but apparent underweighting of vision cues. Another recent study by de Winkel, Weesie, Werkoven, and Groen (
2010) tested for optimal variance reduction from visual and vestibular cues, and found that vision did not reduce thresholds as much as expected. Thus, there are some observations consistent with statistically optimal integration of vision and vestibular cues, but also evidence that visual information is underutilized.
I used a similar approach to test whether visual and nonvisual information is optimally integrated for perception of self-motion during walking. The reliability of visual and nonvisual information was assessed by measuring the variability of walking with and without visual feedback, and the relative weighting was measured using cue conflict conditions. Optimal cue weights were computed from variability measures and compared to measured cue weights, as described later.