The human visual system is sensitive to motion conveyed by a range of cues including luminance modulations (LM,
Movie 1; known as “first-order” or “Fourier” cues) and some modulations of visual texture, including local contrast (CM,
Movie 2), orientation (OM,
Movie 3), flicker rate, and element length/size (collectively termed “second-order” cues; Cavanagh & Mather,
1989). Chubb and Sperling (
1988) termed the second-order cues “non-Fourier” to emphasize that, unlike first-order cues, they do not contain Fourier energy at the modulation frequency (although many examples do contain distinct energy peaks at other frequencies; Fleet & Langley,
The detection of second-order motion seems to require some form of nonlinear processing aside from the squaring implicit in the standard motion energy model (Adelson & Bergen,
1985) because this model followed by linear processes such as averaging cannot detect the direction of motion for CM stimuli (Benton & Johnston,
1997; Ledgeway & Hutchinson,
2006). The balance of evidence suggests that first- and second-order motion are detected, at least initially, by separate mechanisms (see Baker,
1999; Lu & Sperling,
2001; Smith,
1994; Sperling & Lu,
1998, for reviews). Accordingly, the filter-rectify-filter (FRF) model (Wilson, Ferrera, & Yo,
1992) proposes two mechanisms for motion detection: a standard motion energy mechanism that detects first-order motion and a parallel mechanism that is preceded by a nonlinear operator (to demodulate second-order cues) sandwiched between two filtering stages that exclude first-order signals from the second-order channel.
In contrast to the two-mechanism view, Benton (
2002), Benton and Johnston (
2001), Benton, Johnston, McOwan, and Victor (
2001), Johnston, McOwan, and Benton (
1999), and Johnston, McOwan, and Buxton (
1992) have shown that first- and second-order motion (defined by CM) can be detected by a single mechanism that extracts motion gradients. However, it can been shown that some gradient models are equivalent to the energy model provided that the opponent motion energy signal is normalized by the amount of “static” energy in the stimulus (Adelson & Bergen,
1986; Benton,
2004; Bruce, Green, & Georgeson,
1996). The final normalization stage renders the unified model sensitive to CM signals (Benton,
2004). We note that the unified model splits the processing of LM and CM signals. One part of the model computes an unnormalized opponent motion energy signal and is blind to moving CM, whereas the other part provides the normalization signal and is sensitive to CM motion. One could argue that the notion of separate first- and second-order detection is preserved within the unified gradient/energy model provided that the observer has independent access to the two signals described above. However, the second-order signal would most likely require additional low-level processing prior to any higher stage motion analysis.
Lu and Sperling (
2001) not only present considerable evidence in favor of separate first- and second-order motion-detecting mechanisms but also propose an additional (termed third-order) mechanism that processes motion based on figure-ground salience. The third-order system is characterized by (among other things) its poor temporal acuity relative to either the first-order or second-order motion-detecting systems (Lu & Sperling,
Most research on second-order vision has used CM noise textures as the second-order cue, and there is a tendency to assume that the second-order system can be characterized by its response to CM. However, some recent studies have considered other second-order cues and have shown that the second-order class may itself be heterogeneous. For example, spatiotemporal sensitivity for moving modulations of the length of carrier elements is very different from that for CM (Hutchinson & Ledgeway,
2006). Similarly, spatial-frequency sensitivity for static CM peaks at a higher frequency than that for static OM (compare Gray & Regan,
1998; Kingdom, Keeble, & Moulden,
1995, with Schofield & Georgeson,
1999). Further, there is no subthreshold facilitation between static CM, OM, and frequency modulations (Kingdom, Prins, & Hayes,
2003; Schofield & Yates,
2005). Finally, Baker, Mortin, Prins, Kingdom, and Dumoulin (
2006) found similar patterns of fMRI activity in response to static CM and frequency-modulated stimuli but a different pattern of activation for static OM. This evidence supports the notion that there is more than one second-order detection mechanism.
Although the responses of the human visual system to first- and second-order motion differ in many respects, we focus on just one aspect of this comparison here: the induction of motion aftereffects (MAE). Following prolonged viewing of a moving stimulus, a physically static stimulus will appear to move in the opposite direction (the static MAE [sMAE]; Wohlgemuth,
1911). A similar effect can be induced in a flickering test stimulus (the dynamic MAE [dMAE]; von Grunau,
1986), which can be regarded as directionally ambiguous rather than strictly static (Levinson & Sekuler,
1975). Moving first-order gratings induce both types of MAE, whereas second-order gratings induce only the dMAE (Nishida and Sato,
1995; see also Derrington & Badcock,
1985; Ledgeway,
1994). Further, a compound adapter with first- and second-order (CM) components moving in opposite directions induces a sMAE opposite to the first-order component and a dMAE opposite to the second-order component (Nishida & Sato,
Here, we assess the ability of moving first-order (LM) and second-order (CM and OM) gratings to induce a dMAE in themselves (within-cue adaptation) and in each other (between-cue adaptation). However, we first review the limited literature pertinent to the transfer of the dMAE between cues and, for completeness, the transfer of other types of adaptation. Lu, Sperling, and Beck (
1997, but see also Lu & Sperling,
2001) found selective MAEs for first-, second-, and third-order motion (LM, CM, and motion-from-motion respectively) with little transfer of adaptation between cue types. Nishida, Ledgeway, and Edwards (
1997) measured direction-identification thresholds for LM and CM stimuli and found strong postadaptation threshold elevation that was direction, spatial frequency, and cue specific; the only transfer observed was very weak and not spatial frequency tuned.
In contrast to the studies above, some researchers have found good transfer of adaptation between cues. Nishida and Sato (
1995) used a variety of second- and third-order adaptation stimuli but tested for the dMAE using flickering luminance gratings; their results suggest that the dMAE can transfer from higher order cues to the first-order motion system. Further, Georgeson and Schofield (
2002) found good transfer of the tilt and contrast-reduction aftereffects between static LM and CM stimuli. Note that, as with their moving counterparts, there is considerable evidence to suggest that static LM and CM signals are detected independently (Georgeson & Schofield,
2002; Schofield & Georgeson,
1999). Similarly, Cruickshank (
2006) and Cruickshank and Schofield (
2005) have demonstrated partial transfer of the tilt and contrast-reduction aftereffects between CM and OM, despite evidence to support their independent detection (Kingdom et al.,
2003; Schofield & Yates,
2005). However, Cruickshank was unable to find transfer of the contrast-reduction aftereffect between CM and disparity modulations or between OM and disparity modulations.
In this article, we test the spatial-frequency tuning of any observed aftereffects. Spatial-frequency tuning can be taken as the signature of a channel-like mechanism. Also, it can be informative to compare the tuning of any transferred aftereffects to the tuning of the within-cue effects. However, comparing spatial-frequency tuning across conditions presupposes that the dMAE is a tuned effect. Ashida and Osaka (
1994) found that dMAE did not exhibit spatial-frequency tuning. In contrast, others have found that the dMAE can be well tuned for spatial frequency (Bex, Verstraten, & Mareschal,
1996), although the sharpness of this tuning reduces with increased (test) temporal frequency (Mareschal, Ashida, Bex, Nishida, & Verstraten,
1997). Accordingly, we tested at a relatively low temporal frequency (1 Hz).