The circuitry that implements spectral opponency remains unclear (Dacey & Packer,
2003). The “selective connection” hypothesis (Lee et al.,
1998; Martin et al.,
2001; Reid & Shapley,
2002; Wiesel & Hubel,
1966) proposes that cone-type-selective circuitry connects cones of one type to the receptive field center and cones of the other cone type to the receptive field surround and predicts that spectral opponency can remain strong across the retina. In contrast, the “random connection” hypothesis (Lennie, Haake, & Williams,
1991; Mullen & Kingdom,
1996; Paulus & Kröger-Paulus,
1983; Shapley & Perry,
1986) proposes that opponency results from the single cone input to the receptive field center of central midget ganglion cells. This receptive field center, which gets pure cone input by default, opposes a surround formed by horizontal cells that indiscriminately sum inputs from adjacent L and M cones. Thus, the random connection hypothesis requires no selective connections. It predicts that spectral opponency will be stronger in central retina, where the largest numbers of ganglion cell receptive field centers get inputs from single cones. In retinas with highly unequal L/M cone ratios (Roorda, Metha, Lennie, & Williams,
2001; Vimal, Pokorny, Smith, & Shevell,
1989; Wesner, Pokorny, Shevell, & Smith,
1991), opponency in central retina may get a further boost from the statistical properties of sparse sampling (Packer & Dacey,
2002). In these cases, few of the less numerous cone types are available to form an opponent surround. However, a central midget surround may get input from a single H1 cell that contacts only six or seven cones (Wässle et al.,
1989). Such sparse sampling guarantees strong opponency in a few ganglion cells whose surrounds sample a homogeneous patch of cones of the type opposing the center. The remainder of the ganglion cells, whose surrounds predominantly sample cones of the same type as the center, will be weakly or nonopponent. Sparse sampling becomes effective when surround diameter is reduced below about 25
μm (Packer & Dacey,
2002), similar to the diameter of the smallest surrounds of the foveal midget cells.