The final addition to the original model is relatively minor compared with the adaptive feedback gain and the spatial filtering discussed above.
Figure 4A shows the high-frequency sections of the sensitivity curves of three H1 cells (a, b, and c; from Smith et al.,
2001), measured at field sizes 10° and 2° (black open symbols). The red dots show the fits made with the complete model of
Figure 1C but without the branch marked “adaptive temporal filtering.” Although the fits are fairly good, close inspection shows a slight but systematic deviation. The resonance at 10° field size is slightly too strong, and the resonance at 2° field size is slightly too weak. Related to this, the frequency falloff for the 2° field size is too shallow. Corresponding deviations occur in the phase characteristics of the cells (not shown), making the actual fits worse than would appear from
Figure 4A. Because these deviations are present in all three cells, they indicate a missing mechanism in the model. The too shallow frequency falloff at 2° field size suggests that there is stronger low-pass filtering at 2° than at 10°. I found that making one or more of the low-pass filters inside the feedback loop adaptive, depending on field size, did not solve the problem. The only simple and effective way to improve the fit was by introducing an adaptive low-pass filter,
τp, immediately before the feedback loop (see the fits in
Figure 4B). The change in
τp is assumed to be driven by the output
It of the synaptic activation function, via a slow low-pass filter,
τitp, and a nonlinearity, NL
itp (
Figure 4C). For the same reasons as discussed above for
τitp must be slower than a few seconds but has no upper bound based on the measurements considered here. I will assume
τitp = 10 s below. The measurements can be well fitted by assuming a nonlinearity, NL
itp, of the same form as NL
Ip, and
τp,max are constants. An example of
τp with typical parameter values is shown in
Figure 4C. For a field size of 2°,
Vd is smaller (closer to zero, thus less close to
Viz and
Vp) than for a field size of 10° (which is less reduced by the cable properties of the horizontal cell). Therefore,
Vs is more negative (closer to
Viz and
Vp) for 2° than for 10°; hence,
It is more negative, and therefore,
τp is larger for 2° than for 10°.