Consider the first class of explanation: An operating range seems to be moving in
Figure 2 as the adapt contrast changes, but the movement seems to make performance worse near the adapting level, not better. However, not illustrated in
Figure 2 is one important fact well established from our prior work: Without any previous adaptation to pattern contrast (more exactly, after adaptation to a blank gray field, i.e., to 0% contrast), performance on most of the test stimuli in
Figures 2 and
3 would be very poor, but performance would be very good on test stimuli of even lower average test contrast than that plotted. Indeed, in the absence of adaptation to non-zero contrast, performance for the test stimuli plotted at the right end of
Figures 2 and
3 would be close to or at chance (e.g., Graham, Beck, & Sutter,
1992; Graham & Sutter,
2000; Wolfson & Graham,
2005). Thus, adaptation to a non-zero pattern contrast of 35%, 50%, or 65% in
Figure 2 can be said to move the operating range to the right relative to that without pattern adaptation, thus producing better performance than before on the test patterns near the adapting level (except for STRADDLE stimuli). Results after adaptation to a blank gray field (0% contrast) have been successfully explained by incorporating into the model a contrast-gain control of the normalization type which acts on the outputs of both simple (first-order) and complex (second-order) channels (e.g., Graham et al.,
1992; Graham & Sutter,
2000). The adaptable comparison process proposed here and that previously-identified contrast-gain control (of the normalization type) work together. The consequence of their combined action is that most patterns near the adapt contrast (all except for STRADDLE patterns) are easy to perceive, but patterns composed of contrasts far away from the adapt contrast are difficult to perceive.