All fixation points helped the driver to improve the stability of steering control, but the examination of mean lateral positioning of the car showed a different pattern of results. When free sampling of the visual scene was allowed, the drivers clearly cut the bends, i.e., they adopted trajectories that deviated from the lane center in the direction of the inside edge line. This is a common observation. Drivers usually tend to cut bends in order to minimize lateral acceleration (Reymond et al.,
2001). When required to look close to the future path, at the center of the driving lane or at an intermediate position between the lane center and the TP, drivers cut the bends in approximately the same manner as in the control condition. By contrast, the more the driver's gaze was directed toward the inside of the bends, the less the corner was cut. This is a surprising result. If steering actually does follow the eyes (Land,
1998), one would expect a trajectory deviation in the direction of the driver's gaze. Readinger, Chatziastros, Cunningham, Bülthoff, and Cutting (
2002) previously observed such a positive proportional relationship in subjects driving down a straight road. Steering was biased in proportion to gaze eccentricity when gaze was diverted from the direction of heading by a secondary task. Here, in bends and without diverting subjects from the steering task, a deviation of gaze in one direction yielded a deviation of the trajectory in the opposite direction when compared to the free-gaze condition. In some cases, this deviation was observed early on in the bend and remained nearly constant during negotiation of the whole curve. In other cases, the effect was more pronounced when entering or exiting the bend. Two tentative explanations can be put forward for this phenomenon. The inverse effect of gaze orientation on lateral positioning may be the result of the competition between both control levels described by Donges (
1978) and Salvucci and Gray (
2004). Previewing the road by looking at the inside of the bend may have drawn the driver in that direction, but the control process in charge of the correction of lateral position errors may have overcompensated for this deviation. In other words, asking subjects to look away from their future path may have changed the equilibrium between the anticipatory and corrective control levels, moving towards a trajectory closer to the lane center. Another, maybe more plausible, explanation is that manipulating gaze orientation modified the retinal flow generated by motion. Looking at the inside of the bend may have given rise to the perception of oversteering; in consequence, drivers did not cut the bends as much as in the free-gaze condition. Although a more extensive analysis of the relationship between gaze positioning relative to the tangent point and retinal flow would be needed to verify this hypothesis, it would support the idea that a driver should direct his eyes where he wishes to go. The advantage of this strategy for drivers is that, when fixating on a targeted position that is not on their current path, the projected retinal flow along the future path is curved in the opposite direction to the steering error (Kim & Turvey,
1999; Wann & Swapp,
2000). In that view, eye movements are an integral part of the process of extracting locomotor cues from retinal flow; the recovery of direction of heading as a primary input for steering control is not necessary. Actually, Wilkie and Wann (
2006) demonstrated that observers were more accurate at directing their gaze in the direction of their future path than in the direction of heading when travelling along a curved path.