Images of the orbit impressively demonstrate the high spatial resolution of modern MRI. The orbit is not buried deep in the body; hence, signal strength can be maximized by placing receiving coils (
surface coils) close to structures of interest. Orbital fat, which produces strong signals, fills much of the space between the globe, extraocular muscles (EOMs), and bones, providing a background against which the later structures stand in sharp contrast. Orbital contents can be stabilized for imaging by providing awake, cooperative subjects with fixation targets (Miller,
1989). Finally, this small volume contains many fine features of scientific, clinical, and even aesthetic interest. Nevertheless, many important structures in the orbit, and elsewhere, cannot be resolved with MRI at its current level of development, and some cannot, in principle, be resolved with any method that images intrinsic features.
Leo Koornneef (
1992) initiated the detailed study of connective tissue mechanics when he observed that localized entrapment of a muscle in an orbital blowout fracture caused general disturbance of binocular alignment, proposed that all the EOMs were tied together in complex ways, and set about describing extraocular connective tissues in detail. He used anatomic sectioning and staining, summarized in beautiful artist's renderings, to show the complex structure of normal human extraocular connective tissue (e.g.,
Figure 1). Perhaps, Koornneef's most important contribution was to show that orbital connective tissue structures are highly stereotyped, suggesting that they have specific biomechanical functions and therefore warrant study.
MRI and CT must discriminate weak signals emitted by small volumes of tissue ( voxels) to approach the resolution of histological studies. Repeated scans can be averaged to increase signal-to-noise ratios until sessions are so protracted that subject movement becomes the dominant noise source (2–3 min is the practical limit for human orbital studies requiring fixation). Cadaveric samples can be scanned indefinitely but cannot reveal features such as those related to voluntary movement only evident in alert, behaving subjects. In general, structures cannot be resolved unless they differ in contrast (e.g., muscle and sclera by MRI) or are separated by sufficient contrasting tissue (e.g., as orbital fat separates tendon and sclera in some gaze positions). These problems prevent, for example, visualization of EOM insertions where tendons are wrapped tightly around the histochemically similar sclera.
Finally, there are important data that no improvement in MRI or CT imaging resolution could provide. For example, the left panel of
Figure 2 shows the now familiar pattern of EOM cross-section change as a function of gaze: As EOMs contract, their maximal cross sections increase and move posteriorly. This simple finding has formed the basis of objective diagnosis of EOM palsy (e.g., Demer, Miller, Koo, & Rosenbaum,
1994). A recent hypothesis about distinct functions for the histologically distinct
orbital and
global layers of EOM (Demer, Oh, & Poukens,
2000) suggests that there is significant shear across these layers; that is, although, in some circumstances, EOMs contract as shown in
Figure 2B, in others, differential orbital–global contraction may occur, as schematized in
Figure 2C. There are no macroscopically distinct tissues along the length of an EOM's belly, and thus there are no
intrinsic markers that could be imaged to distinguish the two patterns of contraction. If
extrinsic markers could be stably embedded in EOMs, the laminar shear hypothesis could be tested.
The first visualization in vivo of EOM paths was done in our laboratory, using portable medical X-ray equipment and trained monkeys with radiopaque markers implanted in their lateral rectus (LR) muscles (Miller & Robins,
1987; Miller, Robinson, Scott, & Robins,
1984). LR muscle paths were found to be stable with respect to the orbit for all gaze angles, a result that was surprising at the time but which has since been widely replicated in monkeys and humans using CT and MRI.
In the extension of this technique suggested by the right panel of
Figure 2, we have implanted tiny gold beads in the orbit of a monkey trained to fixate and used a digital dental X-ray system to visualize the beads as functions of gaze and time. Gold is biocompatible and opaque to X-rays. Spheres as small as 0.1 mm are easily made and, with practice, can be handled and inserted into ocular tissues under surgical anesthesia.
It is possible to implant beads under visual guidance into anterior orbital tissues, and distinctive groups of beads can then be identified in reconstructed images. However, our main intent is to develop a method of visualizing deep tissues that cannot be directly visualized and so must be injected “blind,” merely scattering enough markers in each tissue of interest so that its movements can be visualized. Known tissues would be identified by the movements of the beads embedded in them and if bead density were high enough to “flesh out” its shape, by the configuration of the beads seen to be moving as a group.
We expect that
gold bead tissue markers (GBTMs) will be uniquely useful for visualizing laminar shear (Demer et al.,
2000), segmental stretching and contraction, and longitudinal movement in EOM and other muscles. GBTMs should also clarify movements of EOM pulleys and other extraocular connective tissues as a function of gaze. In a different application, GBTMs could map the pattern of regional growth in myopic, emmetropic, and hyperopic eyes of experimental animals.
If implanted gold beads tended to migrate, their utility as tissue markers would be limited to brief studies. There seems to be no consensus among surgeons on how such foreign bodies would behave in extraocular tissues. They might be expressed from some tissues, as a splinter is from skin; they might dislodge from soft, motile tissues to accumulate in quiescent regions; or they might stay where we put them. Here, we present the first results of this method in which we determine if GBTMs provide stable tissue referents or if they move about over time. Additionally, we present some preliminary findings on extraocular mechanics, which suggest the potential of the method.