A closer look at the results on a per subject basis revealed that there are three performance patterns. We based the division into groups on subjects' individual relative differences between discrimination and detection asymptotic performances and then found that the groups had different detection and discrimination performance as a function of SOA or processing time. Superior performance for detection over discrimination was found in group III. Group II were better than group III in discrimination, leading to a switch over, with longer SOAs, from better detection to better discrimination. Finally, group I was better than group II in detection, resulting in nearly identical detection and discrimination rates at all SOAs.
Having defined the groups on this basis, we also found other differences in their performance characteristics, upon further analysis of their separate results. Thus, the groups differ in their rates of discrimination without detection, a phenomenon we relate to “blindsight” (Cowey & Stoerig,
1991; Marcel
1998; Weiskrantz,
1990). In addition, the groups differ in their use of local features for both detection and discrimination: group III makes the most use of the orientation of the fourth pacman as a cue for the presence and shape of the illusory figure, with this local feature having more effect on discrimination than on detection.
These comparisons demand that we speculate as to the source of the differences among the three performance groups. An obvious hypothesis for the mechanism underlying these different patterns of performance in the dual detection–discrimination task is that the different groups of subjects may use different strategies for task performance. These strategies may be based on the way they analyze incoming cues and evaluate the information available in the received feedback. Different strategies should be manifest in different decision criteria but not in amount of information perceived, i.e., in
d′ detectability level. For example, different subjects could report having experienced an illusory figure on the basis of weaker or stronger cues and lower or higher confidence levels. Indeed, the
detection performances at long SOA (>100 ms) for groups II and III are very similar (
Figure 6B), with their criteria being somewhat different (group III are more conservative;
Figure 7). This could be due to a difference in strategy of the two groups. However, the
discrimination performance for these same groups have very different
d′ values (together with different criteria)—suggesting a difference in information received, not just in strategy of its use. Comparing performance for groups I and II, there are large differences in
d′ for both detection and discrimination—without differences in criteria (
Figure 7). In summary, it would seem that there are differences between the groups that depend on their perceptual abilities, not only on their strategies for its use. In addition, the positive feedback given to the subjects should lead them to use of common strategies.
Comparison of the different performances together with the finding that the differences among the groups were in detectability level and not mainly in criterion allows us to speculate instead that group I are the “experts,” group III are the most naive (leading ultimately to being affected by local features), and group II are at an intermediate level of experience in perceiving illusory figures. Further study is required to determine if there is a transition from one group level to another with training.