Based on the dependence of the preference for phase congruency as a function of contrast, we propose a simple model of neuronal response involving computation of local energy (Burr & Morrone,
1992; Morrone & Burr,
1988; Morrone & Owens,
1987) and a non-linear response gain function that can account for the present data and the discrepant results in the literature. There is clear evidence that the contrast response function of primary visual cortex is not linear but modulated by gain contrast mechanisms. For stationary conditions, when prevailing contrast does not change rapidly over time, the simplest way to account for the action of gain mechanisms is to consider a sigmoidal response function. Psychophysical experiments (Foley,
1994; Legge & Foley,
1980), meaIJsurements of electrophysiological contrast responses (Albrecht & Hamilton,
1982; Carandini, Heeger, & Movshon,
1997; Finn, Priebe, & Ferster,
2007; Sclar, Maunsell, & Lennie,
1990), and fMRI contrast responses (Boynton et al.,
1999; Olman et al.,
2004) all indicate that an exponent of between 2 and 3 can provide a good fit to the experimental data. We simulated the mechanism by assuming a non-linear response of the individual local energy operators. To simulate the present data, it is necessary that the exponent is around 3, in agreement with previous evidence. It is worthwhile noting that to simulate the phase congruency selectivity it is not essential to apply the gain transducer function to the energy, but any non-linear response function of the individual linear neuronal RFs with various symmetry could equally well simulate the data. However, such a model would have difficulties in explaining the invariance with phase value and might simulate it only for very specific conditions (like RF with all forms of symmetry represented with equal strength). The local energy model is particularly useful in localizing important features for image segmentation, implementing a great reduction of redundant or irrelevant information. This is achieved by retaining only information that corresponds to local maxima (point of maximum phase congruency). It is worthwhile noting that accelerating gain responses would facilitate the localization of the maxima of the energy, particularly for low contrast images.