Figure 4 shows the spatiotemporal profile of cortical processing of Figure and No Figure trials on 2D spatiotemporal maps (
Figures 4A and
4B, respectively). Color represents the scalp current density at each spatiotemporal location. Electrode poolings are represented at each tick mark on the
x-axis, occipital in the middle, left-frontal on the left, and right-frontal on the right. Values in between poolings were interpolated using Spline interpolation. Time is represented on the
The Figure and No Figure spatiotemporal maps in
Figure 4 are remarkably similar to each other. Both maps show a strong occipital generator in the 100- to 150-ms time frame, flanked by equally strong bilateral parietal generators, followed by two occipital generators later in time. Not surprisingly, this shows that the strongest cortical response due to these texture stimuli are early on and within (or close to) visual cortex. Because of the strength of these responses, it is difficult to infer small differences in cortical processing between Figure and No Figure trials from these raw spatiotemporal maps.
Therefore, all subsequent analyses were done on SCD difference waves. These were obtained by subtracting averaged No Figure trials from averaged Figure trials. An example of this procedure is shown in
Figure 5. This figure shows the time course of the SCD for the occipital pooling for both Figure and No Figure trials, as well as for the difference between the two. It also shows where the difference is significant according to a false discovery rate of 0.05 (FDR, see the
Statistical testing section).
Subtracting No Figure from Figure trials has two other major advantages:
The Figure minus No Figure subtraction isolates activity related to the processing of the figure. As Figure and No Figure targets are, on average, made up of the exact same sets of oriented textures (see
Figure 2), any influence of local stimulation on cortical processing, such as caused by the line elements of the textures themselves, is subtracted out. The only signal left is related to the processing of differences in figure-ground organization between Figure and No Figure trials (for other examples on the topic of texture segregation, see Caputo & Casco,
1999; Fahrenfort et al.,
2007; Lamme et al.,
1992; Scholte et al.,
By the same token, as the rest of the stimulus sequence is exactly equal between Figure and No Figure trials, any direct contribution of other stimuli in the sequence, such as fixation dots and masks, is subtracted out as well. Masks of different durations were evenly distributed over Figure and No Figure trials and were thus subtracted out.
The spatiotemporal profile of the Figure minus No Figure subtraction is shown in
Figure 6A. In this 2D map, color represents the difference in scalp current density between Figure and No Figure trials. The axes are the same as in
Figure 4. To evaluate differences in cortical processing between Figure and No Figure trials, a random effects analysis was performed by employing a paired two-tailed
t-test between Figure and No Figure averages at each space–time point in the spatiotemporal map in
Figure 6A, treating the average of each subject at that space–time point as an observation. The correction for multiple comparisons with respect to the number of tests was done by limiting the false discovery rate (FDR, see the
Statistical testing section), a method by which the
p-value at which significance is evaluated is corrected for the number of tests being performed (Benjamini & Hochberg,
1995). The spatiotemporal locations for which the difference between Figure and No Figure was significant is encapsulated by solid black lines, corrected for multiple comparisons at an FDR of 0.05 (
q = 0.05). The solid dots in
Figure 6A indicate local minima and maxima of the SCD difference. On the bottom of
Figure 6A topographic plots of the critical time windows are shown to provide an unambiguous description of the spatial distribution of the effects, thus confirming the overall picture.
Figure 6A clearly shows that processing does not occur hierarchically from bottom to top (i.e., from center to edges in
Figure 6A) in a feedforward fashion, but that massive activation of early visual areas occurs up to at least 400 ms after stimulus presentation, long after more frontal areas have been recruited. These activations are likely to reflect both sustained local processing (Foxe & Simpson,
2002), recurrent interactions within visual areas (Fahrenfort et al.,
2007; Foxe & Simpson,
2002; Lamme,
1995), as well as long range interactions between frontal and visual areas (Lumer & Rees,
1999; Rodriguez et al.,
1999). From
Figure 6A, we can infer a number of stages. Each stage is indicated by an encircled number on the left of the figure, for each of which the scalp topographic flat map is shown on the bottom:
A bilateral parietal generator peaking at 121 ms (collapsed average: 121 ms, right: 117 ms/left: 152 ms). A meta-analysis of studies employing macaque intracranial recordings (Lamme & Roelfsema,
2000) has shown average response times in early visual areas of 72 ms (V1), 84 ms (V2), and 77 ms (V3). Dorsally these continue to 129 ms (V7a), 92 ms (V7ip), and ventrally to 106 ms (V4). Given the fact that the earliest Figure–No Figure differences here peak parietally at 121 ms, it is not unlikely that they reflect sustained activity resulting from feedforward processing, although it cannot be ruled out that some feedback is already incorporated at this interval (Foxe & Simpson,
2002). Note that we report peak ERP latencies and average response latencies, not onset latencies, which are considerably shorter.
A more posterior occipital generator peaking at 160 ms which, due to the fact that it is later in time and more posterior than the bilateral 121 ms generator is probably due to a combination of feedforward and feedback activity within early visual cortex (Fahrenfort et al.,
2007; Foxe & Simpson,
2002). Incidentally, this interpretation is in excellent agreement with a large number of studies showing contextual modulation due to recurrent processing in this time frame in V1 and up using highly comparable stimuli (Lamme,
1995; Lamme et al.,
1993; Supèr, Spekreijse, & Lamme,
2001). Several other authors have identified EEG correlates of conscious vision around this time window, some earlier peaking around 100 ms (Fahrenfort et al.,
2007; Pins & ffytche,
2003) and some later starting at 130 ms and peaking later on in time (Koivisto, Revonsuo, & Lehtonen,
2006; Koivisto, Revonsuo, & Salminen,
Occipitoparietal and centrofrontal regions peak at around 200 ms. A negativity starting around 200 ms is typically reported as part of the N2 family of components, of which the most notable in this context is the N2pc (N2 posterior–contralateral). This component is largest at posterior scalp sites and is observed over the hemisphere contralateral to the location of an attended object (given that the target stimulus is not located centrally). It has been suggested to reflect perceptual-level attentional selection, for instance to zoom in on a target within an array of distractors (Luck, Girelli, McDermott, & Ford,
1997). This component has been shown to occur virtually unimpaired even when a stimulus is unreportable due to object substitution masking (Woodman & Luck,
A more posterior occipital generator peaks at 246 ms, with a concurring frontal generator. Given their timing and approximate concurrence these may be engaged in long range coordinated recurrent activity enabling conscious access (Dehaene et al.,
2006; Lamme,
2006; Lumer & Rees,
1999; Rodriguez et al.,
Strong recurring occipitoparietal generators appear at 350–400 ms, flanked by centrofrontal generators, which may well reflect a third iteration of recurrent processing within and/or between these areas. A posterior–parietal component in this time window is classically reported as the P3 or P300, referring to a third positivity (or a positivity around or after 300 ms) in the ERP waveform. The P3 has been associated with a number of psychological variables, the most prominent of which are working memory and attention (Donchin & Coles,
1988; Kok,
2001). More recently, it has been suggested to be the response to the outcome of internal decision making processes (Nieuwenhuis, Aston-Jones, & Cohen,
2005). Accordingly, activity in this and the previous time window has generally been observed to be attenuated by attentional manipulations such as the attentional blink (e.g., Koivisto et al.,
2006; Kranczioch, Debener, & Engel,
2003; Sergent et al.,
Figure 6B, we show which of these stages correlate with perception and which ones do not. For each subject the perfect observer score was calculated, reflecting his or her ability to detect masked figures. Perfect observer scores and classic percent correct are shown in
Figure 7 for each subject. We calculated the correlation between these perfect observer scores and the Figure minus No Figure difference for the entire spatiotemporal profile in
Figure 6A. Thus, for each space–time point in the spatiotemporal map from
Figure 6A, Spearman's rank correlation was computed between subjects' average Figure minus No Figure difference SCD and subjects' perfect observer score at discriminating Figure from No Figure trials. The result is shown in
Figure 6B, the strength of the correlations in color. The black lines enclose the spatiotemporal locations where the Figure minus No Figure difference is significant, as redrawn from
Figure 6A.
The dark red lines enclose the spatiotemporal locations within which the correlations between detection accuracy and the SCD difference wave are significant at the .05 level. In white, the correlations are given for each of the areas where both the difference and the correlations are significant (i.e., those areas within which the black lines and the dark red lines overlap). Only correlations in spatiotemporal locations where Figure and No Figure significantly differ were reported, so as to exclude correlations that occurred outside of the periods of neural activity related to the processing of figure from ground. Note for example that we also found significant correlations (i.e., dark red circles in
Figure 6B) at about stimulus onset (0 ms) in the right parietal and frontal regions. These might reflect attentional set being higher at trials in which detection is successful and will not be directly related to the processing of the figure stimulus per se (also see Supèr, van der Togt, Spekreijse, & Lamme,
2003). Their location is consistent with right hemispheric dominance for attention for the entire visual field (e.g., Heilman & Van Den Abell,
1980; Mesulam,
1999). Alternatively, they may reflect spurious correlations, as calculating such large numbers of correlations may produce significant results even when fitting noise.
The map shows that the first bilateral parietal generator due to feedforward processing (stage 1 above, also see
Figures 8A and
8C) does not correlate with subjects' ability to detect a figure, whereas the later occipital generator due to recurrent processing (stage 2 above, also see
Figure 8B) does. As this occipital activation is the first one to show a strong correlation with perception, and almost all ensuing correlations are highly significant, it seems to act as a seed for further correlations.
Further evidence of the importance of this generator in perception comes from the fact that it is by far the most consistent difference between Figure and No Figure. As the FDR is reduced to 0.0001, the
only significant generator surviving this overly strict threshold is this occipital one (see
Auxiliary Figure 1), reflecting the fact that it represents the most consistent difference between Figure and No Figure processing.
Later generators show an alternating pattern of anterior and posterior activity, most of which correlate with perception, although anterior correlations appear more in the left (also see
Figure 8D) than in the right hemisphere (also see
Figure 8E). This left-hemispheric dominance may be caused by the fact that subjects had to report Figure presence with their right hand, although correlations with activations due to motor preparation and response are unlikely because a response was always required and always given with the right hand (and should thus be subtracted out of the Figure minus No Figure difference). Also, language is known to be predominantly left hemispheric (Vigneau et al.,
2006). Left hemispheric dominance of correlations could therefore partly be due to the fact that subjects had to give an appraisal of stimulus strength that may have been verbalized mentally.
We would like to stress that the descriptions of generators and correlations found are not exhaustive in terms of the neural activity that underlies them. EEG activity is caused by coordinated postsynaptic activity of huge cell assemblies producing dynamic patterns of electric potential on the scalp. Aside from the inverse problem, the skull is also beset by problems of volume conduction, leaving us with a very coarse reflection of neural activity (Nunez & Srinivasan,
2006). Thus, multiple coherent neural events may show up as a single generator or may not show up at all. A single coherent neural event may even show up as multiple distinct generators as the polarity of the difference between experimental conditions shifts over time. Therefore, the only aim in this experiment is to embed the generators and correlations that were identified in a coherent picture of cortical processing given the knowledge we have from other sources such as monkey physiology, and not to give a comprehensive description of all cortical processing.