The estimation method in
Equation 4 is the least-squares solution of a linear model (LM) of the observer's behavior on each trial of the classification image experiment. The stimulus
S presented on each trial is a
p-vector. If the experiment consists of
n trials, we obtain the terms of
Equation 4 from the solution to the equation
E is an
np vector
2 of concatenated noise vectors
ɛ i = [
ɛ i1, …,
ɛ ip]′,
i = 1, …,
n, presented on successive trials,
X is an
np × 4
p incidence matrix indicating which of four outcomes (H, FA, etc.) occurred on the trial, and
β is a 4
p vector that represents the elements of the 4 components of
Equation 4. The matrix
X is a block matrix consisting of
n × 4 submatrices with one row of submatrices for each trial, each of which is either a
p ×
p zero matrix
0 p × p or a
p ×
p identity matrix
I p × p. An example of such a block matrix
X is
There is only one identity matrix in each block matrix row and it is placed so that its first column is either at column 1,
p + 1, 2
p + 1, or 3
p + 1 of
X depending on whether the trial is a Hit, False Alarm, Miss, or Correct Rejection, respectively. In
Equation 6, for example, the first trial resulted in a Miss and the identity matrix
I p × p is the third submatrix beginning in column 2
p + 1 of
X. The least-squares solution of
Equation 5 is a 4
. The solution can be divided into four vectors
β H = [
β 1 H, …,
β p H]′,
β FA = [
β 1 FA, …,
β p FA]′,
β M = [
β 1 M, …,
β p M]′,
β CR = [
β 1 CR, …,
β p CR]′ and the least-squares solutions of
Equation 5 for these four vectors are the corresponding mean vectors
CR in
Equation 4. The classification image estimate
is therefore readily computed from the solution to
Equation 5.