How can learned context-target associations influence visual processing so rapidly? The influence of past experience on neural activity is usually thought to rely on a complex interplay between bottom-up, visually driven processes and top-down, memory-driven processes (Hochstein & Ahissar,
2002; Lamme & Roelfsema,
2000). It was previously suggested that contextual cueing requires feedback from higher order areas (Olson et al.,
2001) but at much longer latencies. At 50–100 ms after stimulus onset, the evoked response is dominated by activity in visual areas (Poghosyan & Ioannides,
2007; Tzelepi, Ioannides, & Poghosyan,
2001). Indeed,
Figure 4A shows that in both Predictive and non-Predictive configurations, the maximal response is observed at posterior sensors. An iterative interaction between bottom-up and top-down processes involving higher order areas within 50 ms seems unlikely. Two alternatives can be considered. First, contextual information would be retrieved quickly in higher order areas not detected here and immediately fed back to the posterior part of the visual system. Medial temporal regions are probably involved in this task (Chun & Phelps,
1999; Greene et al.,
2007; Manns & Squire,
2001; Park et al.,
2004), but MEG may not be sensitive enough to detect activity in these deep structures, especially at such early latencies when the signal-to-noise ratio is rather weak. This interpretation fits well with a recent model of contextual guidance supported by behavioral data (Oliva & Torralba,
2001). In this model, global and local properties of the visual scene are extracted in parallel very rapidly (in a feed-forward manner) and constrain local processing and attentional deployment on the scene. Prior knowledge is incorporated in this model (Torralba, Oliva, Castelhano, & Henderson,
2006), and its operation on global representations of the visual input nicely parallels its potential implementation in the medial temporal lobe of the brain (where receptive fields span large portions of the visual field). The second alternative is that learned contextual associations are stored within early sensory areas (Fuster,
1997) to form unconscious perceptual memories (Maia & Cleeremans,
2005; Slotnick & Schacter,
2006). These memory-driven early visual area alterations would in turn lead to the modification of the unconscious feed-forward volley of neural processing (Hochstein & Ahissar,
2002). We would like to suggest that alternatives presented above are not mutually exclusive. Rather, we favor a mixture of the two. A modification of early visual processes by scene priors, rapidly extracted and fed back, nicely parallels our assertion that in contextual cueing, the attentional cue is the scene itself that guides sensory processing from its early steps.