The dependence on stimulus strength and visual references may be explained by two successive processes: First, a compression of distance to the target in a retinotopic map (the strength of which depends on stimulus strength); and second, a transformation from retinotopic coordinates to exocentric coordinates (Awater & Lappe,
2006). First, the visual system gathers information about the retinal position of the flash, the retinal position of the saccade target, and the retinal distance of the flash from the target before the saccade begins. The distance of the flash from the target is compressed by the action of the oculomotor feedback signal on the neuronal population response as described above. Thereafter, compression is manifested in retinal coordinates. In order for this compression to be reflected in manual responses, retinal coordinates have to be transformed to exocentric coordinates in the second step. This transformation may use extraretinal eye position signals (Binda, Bruno, Burr, & Morrone,
2007; Dassonville et al.,
1992; Honda,
1991; Matin, Matin, & Pearce,
1969; Pola,
2004), memory of the saccade target (Matin et al.,
1969), or visual reference information about the saccade target position in the post-saccadic image together with prior assumptions about the stability of the visual world (Deubel, Bridgeman, & Schneider,
2004; McConkie & Currie,
1996; Niemeier, Crawford, & Tweed,
2003). The outcome of this transformation depends on the availability of these signals (for instance, visual reference information does not exist in the dark) and on the weights that the transformation process puts on the different signals (Binda et al.,
2007; Niemeier et al.,
2003). Quantitative predictions are difficult without knowing the full set of weights but some qualitative speculations may be made. If post-saccadic visual reference information about the target position is available, this information is used preferentially to locate the target (Deubel et al.,
2004; McConkie & Currie,
1996). The flash is then located at the compressed distance from the target. This is consistent with the dependence of the occurrence of compression on the presence of post-saccadic visual references (Awater & Lappe,
2006; Lappe et al.,
2000). When visual references are not available after the saccade (like in the current study), the transformation may put different weights on the saccade target and flash positions depending on their respective visibility. We may speculate that when the flash is strong and salient localization commences with determining the location of the flash from extraretinal signals (Binda et al.,
2007; Honda,
1991; Matin et al.,
1969; Pola,
2004). This is consistent with the above-threshold conditions in the current experiments and with many previous experiments conducted with bright, salient peri-saccadic flashes in the dark (Dassonville et al.,
1992; Honda,
1991; Lappe et al.,
2000; Matin & Pearce,
1965; Schlag & Schlag-Rey,
1995). When the flash is less salient, localization may instead commence by reconstructing the saccade target position from extraretinal signals and then estimating the location of the flash from its compressed distance to the target. Consequently, the apparent position of the flash should become compressed towards the saccade target. However, since localization from extraretinal signals is subject to the peri-saccadic shift, the reconstruction should be shifted somewhat in saccade direction around saccade onset. Hence, the compression should be centered on a position that is physically shifted a bit further than the saccade target. This is consistent with the results of the near-threshold condition.