The three most frequent explanations for the losses seen in humans with amblyopia are as follows: (1) a spatial scale shift, i.e., a loss of contrast sensitivity at high spatial frequencies, consistent with the loss of contrast sensitivity of small (high spatial frequency) receptive fields in area V1 in monkeys with experimental amblyopia (Kiorpes, Kiper, O'Keefe, Cavanaugh, & Movshon,
1998). This explanation, which has found broad agreement, is consistent with a coarse (low spatial frequency) template for detection. However, the loss of neural contrast sensitivity is too small to fully account for the behavioral losses of contrast sensitivity in monkeys with amblyopia, and the spatial scale shift hypothesis also cannot fully explain the loss of position acuity in humans with strabismic amblyopia (Levi & Klein,
1982; Levi et al.,
1994). To account for this “additional” loss, two other explanations have been suggested: (2) cortical undersampling (i.e., a reduced complement of cortical neurons; Levi,
1991; Levi & Klein,
1986) and (3) uncalibrated topographical jitter (i.e., mis-wiring of cortical neurons; Field & Hess,
1996; Hess,
1982). There has been considerable debate surrounding undersampling versus jitter (Field & Hess,
1996; Levi & Klein,
1996; for a review, see Kiorpes & McKee,
1999). Our finding of increased random multiplicative noise offers a new and different account, which may lead to détente. If the information that V1 neurons of the amblyopic cortex send to higher levels is subject to random noise, from trial to trial different samples of the target will be more or less effective. On one trial one set of neurons might provide reliable signals, while on the next trial, a different set of neurons might provide reliable signals from the same target. The net effect would be equivalent to combining undersampling with positional jitter. Indeed, in previous work (Levi, Klein, & Wang,
1994), we showed that strabismic amblyopes show a uniform loss of Vernier acuity over the entire range of target contrasts (a multiplicative loss). The only stimulus manipulation that produced this pattern in normal observers consisted of undersampling the target combined with random positioning of the samples from trial to trial. Undersampling the stimulus in a regular predictable way does not mimic the multiplicative pattern of loss, and we had suggested that strabismic amblyopia may involve elevated levels of central noise. As noted earlier, the effect of amblyopia may be a combination of early noise (which affects detection of both noise and signal) and late noise due to a template-mismatch and random noise. This late noise may help to explain why the behavioral losses of contrast sensitivity are greater than the neural losses in V1 (Kiorpes,
2006). Our present study adds several new pieces to the puzzle: First, it quantifies this noise and parcels it into three parts—random noise, template noise, and consistent noise not due to the poorly matched template. Secondly, it shows that the predominant noise in the amblyopic visual system is random internal noise. Consistent noise (beyond the poorly matched template) appears to play little or no limiting role in either normal or amblyopic detection of signals in noise.