During binocular rivalry, visual consciousness fluctuates randomly between two incompatible stimuli imaged on corresponding retinal regions of the two eyes. One stimulus is visible for few seconds (dominant) while the other stimulus is invisible (suppressed); after a few seconds, visibility reverses. This process continues for as long as one looks. Two broad approaches to the neural processing mediating rivalry can be distinguished: rivalry could involve competition between the representations of the two images tagged with low-level, eye-of-origin information (so-called eye rivalry) or between representations of the two images at some higher level of the visual system (so-called image rivalry).
To demonstrate eye rivalry, Blake, Westendorf, and Overton (
1980) presented a vertical grating to one eye and a horizontal grating to the other and asked the observer to press a key when the vertical grating, say, was exclusively dominant. This key press swapped the gratings between the eyes: observers reported seeing the horizontal grating. Blake et al. concluded that it was the region of an eye that dominates during rivalry, not a particular stimulus. Similarly, Shimojo and Nakayama (
1990) presented a stereogram with an interocularly unpaired region consisting of non-identical patterns to induce rivalry. When that region had a disparity consistent with partial occlusion, they found no rivalry; when that region had the opposite disparity, they found rivalry. Shimojo and Nakayama concluded that rivalry critically depends on which eye receives an unpaired stimulus. Furthermore, Ooi and He (
1999), investigating the role of attention in binocular rivalry, found that presenting a pop-out cue to one eye prior to the onset of rivalry made that eye's stimulus dominant in subsequent rivalry. They concluded that dominance during rivalry critically depends on which eye receives the pop-out cue. All these results are consistent with eye rivalry theory (Blake,
1989; Lehky,
1988; Nguyen, Freeman, & Wenderoth,
2001; Wolfe,
To demonstrate image rivalry, Diaz-Caneja (1928, translated by Alais, O'Shea, Mesana-Alais, & Wilson,
2000) presented a left field of horizontal lines and a right field of concentric semicircles to the left eye and the opposite pattern to the right eye. He found that observers occasionally reported coherent alternations between circles and horizontal gratings, combining these images from the components in the two eyes. Kovács, Papathomas, Yang, and Fehér (
1996) found similar results from complementary patchworks of intermingled photographic images. Logothetis, Leopold, and Sheinberg (
1996) extended Blake et al.'s (
1980) eye-swapping technique by presenting dichoptic orthogonal gratings that flickered at 18 Hz and swapped between the two eyes every 333 ms. Logothetis et al. found that occasionally a single grating was dominant over multiple alternation periods. They concluded that rivalry is mediated by representations of the images at higher levels of the visual system from which eye-of-origin information has been discarded. It is this form of image rivalry we are concerned with in this paper.
An emerging view about the neural processes mediating rivalry is that eye rivalry and image rivalry are processed at different cortical levels (Blake & Logothetis,
2002). We wondered if we could psychophysically distinguish different depths of suppression during eye and image rivalry. That would be consistent with suppression's acting at different sites in the two forms of rivalry.
Binocular rivalry suppression has traditionally been measured by delivering a probe stimulus to one of the rival stimuli during its dominance and suppression phases. The probe could be a superimposed spot or variation in some aspect of one of the rival stimuli. The difference in the threshold to detect the probe stimulus during dominance and suppression gives an estimate of suppression depth. We define suppression depth as unity minus the ratio of dominance to suppression thresholds. Early experiments showed suppression depths of around 0.3 to 0.5 log units (e.g., Blake & Fox,
1974; Fox & Check,
1968; Nguyen et al.,
2001; Ooi & Loop,
1994; O'Shea & Crassini,
1981; Smith, Levi, Harwerth, & White,
1982; Wales & Fox,
Previous studies on binocular rivalry suppression have presented one rival stimulus continuously to one eye and the other rival stimulus continuously to the other eye. So as not to presuppose whether this involves eye rivalry or image rivalry, we will refer to such rivalry as
conventional. We compared suppression in conventional rivalry with that from rivalry when the stimuli swap continuously between the eyes (as in Logothetis et al.,
1996). We will refer to such rivalry as
swap. We found weaker suppression depth during swap rivalry than during conventional rivalry. We will argue later that this is consistent with rivalry's involving processing at multiple stages of the visual system.