The above discussion considers motion and shape with regard to attentional selection and the type/token theory independently from the neural bases of 3D-SFM processing. Experimental evidence suggests that motion and shape are processed along distinct visual—dorsal and ventral—streams (DeYoe & Van Essen,
1988; Mishkin & Ungerleider,
1982), whether the activity is driven by visual stimulation or attentional selection (Corbetta, Miezin, Dobmeyer, Shulman, & Petersen,
1990; Paradis, Droulez, Cornilleau-Pérès, & Poline,
2008). In addition, electrophysiological (Treue & Maunsell,
1999) and fMRI (Kriegeskorte et al.,
2003; Murray, Olshausen, & Woods,
2003; Orban, Sunaert, Todd, Van Hecke, & Marchal,
1999; Paradis et al.,
2000) studies found that areas from both the ventral and dorsal streams are involved in the perception of 3D-SFM stimuli. How motion information gives rise to object recognition however remains an open issue. Because a 3D stimulus can be identified only after the retinal motion distribution has been processed, one possibility is that information from dorsal areas transfers to ventral areas. Our findings that shape repetition influences motion identification and that motion repetition does not influence shape processing do not easily fit with a functional scheme involving the sequential recruitment of dorsal to ventral areas. They rather suggest that projections from ventral areas to dorsal areas modulate motion processing, a view supported by the observation that static images with implied motion elicit responses in motion areas (Kourtzi & Kanwisher,
2000) or by the finding of strong influences of form on motion processing (Lorenceau & Alais,
2001). However, recent imaging studies with static stimuli question the notion of parallel processing of motion and form through dorsal and ventral pathways (Konen & Kastner,
2008). The present results suggest that 3D-SFM stimuli are well suited to study further the functional dependence of shape and motion processing.