To investigate if emotional valence again influenced observers' visual behavior while viewing snippets in the LTM test, we computed values of the previously considered eye-movement variables from the LTM data. Because no emotional ratings were acquired for the “new” clips shown in the LTM test (even if they were visually similar to the original neutral/emotional clips as stated earlier), forthcoming comparisons between the individual emotion categories will pertain only to the 30 “old” snippets extracted from movie clips, and comparisons between neutral and emotional conditions will involve all 49 snippets used.
As for movie clips, highest fixations per second were observed for positive stimuli, and highest fixation durations and largest saccade amplitudes were observed for neutral stimuli. No main effect of emotion was revealed by one-way ANOVA comparisons of per-second fixations and fixation durations even though post hoc t tests showed significant differences between fixations per second for neutral versus negative, t(12) = 2.424, p < 0.05, and positive versus negative, t(12) = 4.4173, p < 0.001, as well as between fixation durations for positive versus negative, t(12) = −3.0578, p < 0.001, and neutral versus positive, t(12) = −2.5859, p < 0.05, snippets. ANOVA comparison of saccade amplitudes, however, revealed a main effect of emotion, F(2, 38) = 8.48, p < 0.001, with post hoc t tests confirming the differences between neutral and negative, t(12) = −5.6292, p < 0.0005, and neutral and positive, t(12) = 4.1786, p < 0.0005, as significant. In contrast to the IM test, highest entropy was observed for positive stimuli, and the main effect of emotion on entropy differences was revealed by a one-way ANOVA test, F(2, 38) = 4.64, p < 0.05, with paired t tests showing entropy differences between neutral versus positive, t(12) = −2.3787, p < 0.05, neutral versus negative, t(12) = −2.5132, p < 0.05, and positive versus negative, t(12) = −7.6435, p < 0.00001, as significant. Upon extending these analyses to also include the “new” clips, we observed that only saccade amplitude differences between neutral and emotional stimuli remained significant, t(12) = −3.9234, p < 0.005.
Concerning LTM recall, participants were able to correctly recognize the 30 previously seen clips. However, this recognition performance was much better for emotional clips. Although 59.2% of the previously viewed neutral clips were classified as “old,” on average, 80.4% of “old” emotional clips were recognized as having been seen before (80% for positive valence clips and 81% for negative valence clips). A post hoc t test revealed that the effect of (positive or negative) emotion on hit rate was significant, t(28) = −3.057, p < 0.005. For the 19 clips that were not part of the original experiment, participants were able to correctly reject the “new” clips. Still, fewer emotional clips were rejected (53.1% correct rejection) as compared to neutral clips (69.2% correct rejection) even though the difference in correct rejections was not significant, t(17) = 1.1578, n.s. Further analyses to investigate if the emotional valence had any influence on the tendency to reject a “new” clip revealed interesting trends; participants were more adept at rejecting the “new” positive valence clips as compared to negative valence clips, and post hoc t tests showed that the difference in correct rejections was significant between neutral and negative clips, t(12) = 2.18, p = 0.0499, but not between neutral and positive clips, t(12) = −0.1109, n.s.
Given the hit and rejection rates in the “old/new” recognition test, we further investigated if emotion influenced the sensitivity of participants using signal detection theory analysis. The mean sensitivity (d′) for the neutral, positive, and negative stimuli were found to be 0.8789, 1.4317, and 0.5492, respectively, implying best detection performance for positive valence clips. Also, the criterion bias values indicated a conservative bias for neutral clips (C̄neu = 0.1317) in contrast to a liberal bias for positive (C̄pos = −0.1446) and negative (C̄neg = −0.666) valence clips. A one-way ANOVA test confirmed the main effect of emotion on both sensitivity, F(2, 38) = 12.18, p < 0.0001, and criterion bias, F(2, 38) = 8.8, p < 0.001, of participants.
Finally, we attempted to find if there were any eye-movement differences between the snippets that a participant recognized or rejected. To this end, we considered “emotion type” (neutral/emotional) and “decision type” (accept/reject) as two factors and performed two-way repeated measures ANOVA tests for the aforementioned eye-movement variables. Interestingly, a few significant differences showed up. Comparison of saccade amplitudes revealed the significant main effect of decision type, F(1, 51) = 5.68, p < 0.05, and a marginal interaction effect, F(1, 51) = 3.73, p = 0.0595, with paired t tests indicating significant differences only between accepted and rejected emotional snippets, t(12) = 2.3233, p < 0.05. On the other hand, entropy comparisons revealed only a significant effect of emotion type, F(1, 51) = 5.08, p < 0.05, with paired t tests confirming that entropy was significantly higher for rejected neutral snippets (3.237) than emotional snippets (3.0824), t(12) = −3.1409, p < 0.01. Given the specificity of these differences, we can only conclude that eye-movement patterns per se cannot predict whether a stimulus will be recognized or rejected in the scene-gist recognition test.