An adapted software program based on TagTrack 1.5.6 (GyroTools Ltd.; Zurich; Switzerland) was used to track the marked tissue points automatically. The postprocessing method HARP (HARmonic Phase) (Osman, Kerwin, McVeigh, & Prince,
1999) with peak-combination (Ryf, Tsao, Schwitter, Stuessi, & Boesiger,
2004) is integrated into this software. HARP enables tracking of all tissue points, not just the tagging lines (dark lines of the grid), because it tracks the phase and not the MRI magnitude information. To understand motion-encoded MRI with HARP evaluation, it is important to distinguish the distance between equivalent markers (the tagline distance) from the acquired pixel size, which is always smaller. A circular band-pass filter was applied to extract the harmonic peaks in Fourier space and to diminish image noise. A filter diameter that doubles the image pixel size is the theoretical optimum of the HARP method. The size of the filter (which corresponds to a diameter of 2.7 pixels of the image) was selected as a trade-off between tracking stability and movement resolution. The filter was centered on the harmonic peak (of the sinusoidally modulated image) and enabled us to resolve a maximal contraction of 53% of the original tissue length at the first time frame. The maximal resolvable contraction with the optimal theoretic filter is given by the scan resolution (1.2 mm) divided by the tagging line distance (3 mm) (Osman et al.,
1999), i.e., 40% (i.e., 2.5 times shorter). Hence, the degradation due to filtering is reasonable. There is no limitation for the maximal trackable elongation of a tissue.
The horizontal extraocular muscle thickness of about 3 mm (Kaufmann & Decker,
1995) was covered with at least one pixel that lay completely inside the muscle after filtering. Therefore, landmark chains traced and tracked on these pixels along the muscles were expected to describe similar motion. A good tracking technique should render similar motion for landmarks in the same pixel. To test the quality of the tracking algorithm, five landmark chains (=polylines) for each horizontal rectus muscle and the ON were manually drawn on the 10th time frame (approximately gaze straight ahead) such that the whole tissue broadness could be used for tracking (see
Figure 2). For each polyline, TagTrack interpolated about 70 equally spaced points, and all of them were tracked through the 15 time frames. The standard deviation of the motion pattern of the polylines was calculated for the validation of the tracking algorithm. A small standard deviation corresponds to a good tracking quality of the algorithm. To ascertain that the polylines lay on the expected tissue, we took advantage of anatomical images and realigned the polylines if they were not on the muscles of interest. Although the signal to noise ratio dropped at the orbital apex, the tracking of the polylines was still reliable. The whole postprocessing procedure took in average 20 min for each subject.