Compared to the numerous psychophysical demonstrations of temporal recalibration, evidence from visually guided motor control in favor of delay adaptation is sparse. Early studies (e.g., Ferrell,
1964; Smith & Smith,
1962) mostly documented the disruptive effects of visual feedback delays but reported no recalibration effects. In these studies, participants partially neutralized the destabilizing effects of a visual feedback delay but did not show the characteristic behavioral changes and aftereffects (cf. previous section). For instance, Ferrell (
1964) observed that participants tended to employ one of two different strategies to stabilize behavior after the introduction of a delay in a remote manipulation task (gripping and moving of objects). The first strategy was a “move and wait” strategy, where the visual inputs were ignored during execution of fast movements to the target; a corrective movement was then performed once the visual feedback had caught up. The second compensatory strategy was to slow down movements (i.e., a decrease in control gain corresponding to slower response to feedback) until the destabilizing effects of the visual feedback delay disappeared (Ferrell,
1964). Neither of these compensatory strategies indicates adaptation of Δ
t in motor prediction, such as in a forward model, and both are suboptimal (i.e., motor performance after adaptation does not approximate initial levels).
Smith and Smith (1962) similarly report only partial compensation of visual feedback delays in a number of tasks (e.g., drawing the outline of shapes) and no adaptation aftereffects.
Poulton (1974) interpreted delay adaptation in sine wave tracking mostly as a process of reference extrapolation (only open-loop control was recalibrated). He also observed that corrective movements occur at a lower frequency, which is due to the fact that feedback delay Δ
t defines a lower bound for reaction times to unpredictable events. This limits the frequency at which fast corrective movements can be performed in the closed loop. It is important to note that recalibration of internal models (Δ
t in motor prediction and reference extrapolation) cannot compensate this effect of increased Δ
t and that the feedback delays can thus never be fully neutralized. This, however, is also the case for the naturally occurring latencies of approximately 150 ms.
Vercher and Gauthier (1992) reported that participants could partially compensate additional feedback delays in a predictable sine wave tracking task. However, participants struggled to manage the feedback delay appropriately if movement direction was inverted (spatial error/overshooting). This suggests that only reference extrapolation, not the motor prediction, was recalibrated. In two more recent studies (Foulkes & Miall,
2000; Miall & Jackson,
2006) participants were trained with visual feedback delays in a manual tracking task. The authors observed adaptation aftereffects, which were mostly inconsistent with their predictions for recalibration of a Smith predictor. Participants compensated for the feedback delay by slowing down their movements, like in Ferrell's (
1964) study. This sluggish tracking behavior carried over to the post-test, but there was no anticipatory behavior (in terms of temporal error). The authors concluded that no recalibration of internal delay parameters occurred.
Held, Efstathiou, and Greene (1966) also showed that visuomotor delays interfere with spatial adaptation to prismatic displacements, an effect that increases with delay length (Held & Durlach,
Tanaka, Homma, and Imamizu (2011) and
Honda, Hirashima, and Nozaki (2012) tested in two recently published studies whether training with delays might alleviate the disruptive effect of visual delays on prism adaptation. The studies, despite their similarities, came to opposite conclusions:
Tanaka et al. (2011) found that temporal adaptation had no effect on the rate of visuomotor adaptation to displacements, which speaks against delay adaptation. By contrast,
Honda et al. (2012) reported that delay adaptation accelerated adaptation to a spatial perturbation. To date it is still unclear why these studies led to different results. However, the use of discrete or continuous feedback is mentioned as one possible explanation (cf. Honda et al.,