Psychophysical experiments, using a dual-task paradigm, have convincingly shown that a stimulus presented in the period preceding saccade execution is best processed when its location coincides with the saccadic target (Deubel & Schneider,
1996; Hoffman & Subramaniam,
1995; Kowler, Anderson, Dosher, & Blaser,
1995). A local improvement of perceptual performance is commonly interpreted as the footprint of selective attention. Therefore, it is now widely established that there exists a tight coupling between the preparation of a saccadic eye movement and a shift of covert selective attention (Findlay & Gilchrist,
2003). The preparation of other types of goal directed movements has also revealed a coupling with a shift of visual attention (Baldauf, Wolf, & Deubel,
Several studies have addressed the question whether the coupling between saccadic programming and attentional shift is mandatory. The most frequent answer to this question is a positive one: It has actually proven very hard to perform attention-demanding tasks at locations dissociated from the saccadic target immediately before the initiation of an eye movement (Deubel & Schneider,
However, Kowler et al. (
1995) found that although programming a saccade requires a spatial shift of attention to the saccadic target, some attention can be diverted from the saccadic goal with relatively little cost for the latency of the eye movements. This fact was illustrated through an attentional operating characteristic (AOC) curve (by analogy with the ‘receiver operating characteristics’ curve; Green & Swets,
1966) representing the trade-off between saccadic promptness (or inverse latency) and perceptual accuracy in a letter discrimination task. Three different points along the AOC curve were obtained by means of a verbal instruction to the subject encouraging either to concentrate on the discrimination task while sacrificing saccadic promptness if needed, or to perform saccades with the shortest latency as possible while disregarding performance in the perceptual task, or to adopt an intermediate strategy between the two previous ones.
One possible reason why the existence and the magnitude of an independent component of attentional resources during saccadic preparation are still debated is that early studies lacked a fine temporal sampling of the attentional effect during the short period immediately preceding the movement.
Indeed, very few studies have attempted to address the dynamical evolution of the presaccadic attentional deployment (Castet, Jeanjean, Montagnini, Laugier, & Masson,
2006; Deubel & Schneider,
2003; Doré-Mazars, Pouget, & Beauvillain,
2004; Shepherd, Findlay, & Hockey,
1986). We have recently shown that orientation discrimination acuity improves gradually and systematically at the saccadic target location during saccade preparation (Castet et al.,
2006). In addition, we found that visual performance, although globally impaired with respect to the saccade goal, improved across time even at locations away from the saccadic target, but still adjacent to it (same eccentricity, ±45°). Unfortunately, our previous data could not precisely discriminate between two hypotheses: (1) Saccade-triggered attention is focused on the movement goal, but an independent component of voluntary attention—of increasing strength across time—can be deployed in parallel either to the same or to a different location; (2) selective attention is locked uniquely to the saccadic target (with increasing strength across time) but its focus is extended over a broad area (see for example Intriligator & Cavanagh,
2001), including locations at ±45°.
The aim of the present research work is to shed further light on the spatiotemporal dynamics of the perceptual resources during saccadic preparation. Importantly, different from our previous study, we test visual performance during saccadic preparation also at very distant locations from the movement target in order to avoid the abovementioned confound concerning the size of the attentional focus. More generally, we propose here to estimate the independent component of attention by parametrically varying the need of attentional resources at different locations relative to the saccadic goal and measuring performance in a demanding visual task. To do this, we use a dual task, in which subjects have to execute an accurate saccade toward a centrally cued location (primary task), while they also have to discriminate the orientation of a Gabor patch presented at different locations and delays before saccade initiation (secondary task). The secondary task is designed as a Posner-like experiment (Posner,
1980) in order to induce observers to voluntary modulate the spatial deployment of their attention according to a probability schedule for the location of the perceptual test. The probability schedule (or validity condition, in the Posner's terminology) could either favor the saccadic target location (synergistic condition), the location opposite to it (conflict condition), or, finally, both locations equally (neutral condition). The measure of orientation discrimination ability has been previously used to assess the spatiotemporal effects of attentional cueing (Pestilli & Carrasco,
2005; Solomon,
Shepherd et al. (
1986) had used a similar paradigm to investigate the presaccadic attentional shift induced with an endogenous cue. Differently from us, they used detection reaction time as a measure of selective attention and they concluded that the planning of an eye movement implies a mandatory and an absolute capture of attention to the saccadic target. Attentional resources could be made free from the saccadic target only well after the end of the saccade.
In contrast, we show here that perceptual performance is significantly modulated by the probability schedule, indicating that subjects are capable, under certain conditions, of dissociating a part of voluntary attention from the saccadic target location. In particular, we present experimental evidence that early after cue onset perceptual resources can (almost) optimally be diverted from saccadic target location. Later, around 150–200 ms after cue onset, and therefore very close to saccade initiation, the attentional capture at saccadic target becomes stronger.