Clearly, the observed effects of GL on luminance CS are not tied to visual experience, and thus we can say with certainty that GL is more likely tied to preprogrammed development than to visual experience. If preprogrammed mechanisms do, in fact, account for the effect of GL on luminance CS, this would mean that genetic/biological factors underlying maturation of luminance mechanisms in the M pathway are developing at a substantial rate
in utero, with the result that an extra day
in utero has implications for luminance CS measured postnatally. However, there is another possibility that must be entertained; perhaps effects of
prenatal environment underlie variance in both GL and luminance CS at 2 months. One reasonable candidate is
maternal nutrition, which has been shown to correlate with GL (Delgado, Martorell, Brineman, & Klein,
1982; Jacobson et al.,
2008; Olsen et al.,
2000; Olsen et al.,
1992; Rayco-Solon, Fulford, & Prentice,
2005; Rush, Stein, & Susser,
1980; Smuts et al.,
2003), as well as with BW (Godfrey, Robinson, Barker, Osmond, & Cox,
1996; Harding,
2001; Lou et al.,
1994; Mora, Sanchez, de Paredes, & Herrera,
1981). [Note that, in general, studies report effects of maternal nutrition on
either GL or BW effects, without attempting to investigate whether there are independent effects on BW and GL.] If maternal nutrition is also correlated with visual performance measured postnatally, then maternal nutrition could be the “third variable” (much cautioned against in correlational analyses), which drives the correlation between GL and CS observed in the current study. Although we know of no study that has investigated CS specifically, there is evidence that both prenatal maternal nutrition (e.g., Jacobson et al.,
2008; although these results should be interpreted with caution since the study did not use randomized assignment) and postnatal infant nutrition (e.g., dietary supplementation of docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid; Birch et al.,
2007; Birch, Hoffman, Uauy, Birch, & Prestidge,
1998; Hoffman et al.,
2004; Makrides, Neumann, Simmer, Pater, & Gibson,
1995; O'Connor et al.,
2001) correlates with visual acuity in infants/children, making this maternal nutrition hypothesis a possible account of our data. Of course, this account must be considered in any study that finds a correlation between a measure of physiological maturity at birth (e.g., gestational length, weight, length, or head circumference) and an outcome measure. In fact, there is a sizeable literature showing that different aspects of physiological maturity at birth predict visual performance (visual orienting at 2 to 5 months: Dannemiller,
2004; attention to faces at 4 to 6 months: Camp, Jamieson-Darr, Hansen, & Schmidt,
1990; visual recognition memory from 5 to 12 months: Rose,
1994) and non-visual performance (language and gross movement at 4 years: Ounsted, Moar, & Scott,
1984; IQ in childhood: Churchill,
1965; Jefferis, Power, & Hertzman,
2002; Matte, Bresnahan, Begg, & Susser,
2001; Scarr,
1969). Analyses that control for prenatal environment factors will help determine whether correlations observed between physiological measures of maturity at birth and later visual performance (as in the current and previous studies) are driven by these factors.