Trials with zero fixations on the target (
Experiment 1) deserve special attention, as in such trials the fovea was never aimed directly at the object of interest. In such cases, any information regarding the target object comes only from extrafoveal vision. While visual acuity clearly deteriorates from foveal to extrafoveal vision, it was found to be sufficient to acquire some information about the object identity (Thorpe, Gegenfurtner, Fabre-Thorpe, & Bulthoff,
2001), mainly through low spatial frequency channels (Pointer & Hess,
1989). Indeed, several studies found evidence for extrafoveal preview benefits for object recognition (Henderson & Anes,
1994; Henderson, Pollatsek, & Rayner,
1987; Pollatsek, Rayner, & Collins,
1984; Pollatsek, Rayner, & Henderson,
1990). Specifically, when subjects were required to name a centrally presented object, naming latencies were shorter when an extrafoveal preview of the same object was presented prior to the central presentation. Note, however, that subjects were not required to process any foveal information during the extrafoveal preview. It is reasonable that extrafoveal information extraction during free-viewing is much more limited, since attentional resources are captured by various other tasks such as foveal vision and target selection. Only a handful of studies were published on memory performance gained through extrafoveal vision during free-viewing. Tatler et al. (
2005) found that object identity (but not its shape, color or position) can be remembered even without direct fixation. Our study similarly showed that some basic aspects of the object's identity (possibly basic shape or color) can be gathered through extrafoveal vision. However, more detailed information, such as the object orientation, requires foveal vision. The only discrepancy between our study and Tatler et al. (
2005) is that they found chance performance for reporting the position of non-fixated objects, whereas the present study showed above-chance performance. This could possibly be explained by the different reporting measures used. While Tatler et al. (
2005) used a paper questionnaire with only four possible answers; we used a more flexible approach in which subjects actively registered the object position by moving the mouse, allowing for better positional resolution. Another possible cause for this apparent discrepancy is the different method used for calculating chance level. To estimate this measure, Tatler et al. (
2005) used another group of subjects that filled the questionnaire without ever seeing the scenes. In contrast, we used the actual object positions indicated by the same subject (after shuffling the order of the trials) to quantify chance level. Our approach may provide a more sensitive measure of performance with respect to chance, as the baseline is not calculated on a different group of subjects.