The suppressive effects of grating masks at similar (Phillips & Wilson,
1984), or very different orientations from the target mechanism (Bonds,
1989; DeAngelis, Robson, Ohzawa, & Freeman,
1992; Foley,
1994; Meese & Holmes,
2007; Morrone, Burr, & Maffei,
1982) are often associated with processes in primary visual cortex (Heeger,
1992; Morrone, Burr, & Speed,
1987). However, recent evidence suggests a subcortical contribution to cross-orientation suppression (XOS) in cats (Bonin, Mante, & Carandini,
2005; Freeman, Durand, Kiper, & Carandini,
2002; Li, Thompson, Duong, Peterson, & Freeman,
2006; Priebe & Ferster,
2006; Smith, Bair, & Movshon,
2006) and possibly humans (Baker, Meese, & Summers,
2007b; Cass & Alais,
2006; Meier & Carandini,
2002). Single-cell physiology (Freeman et al.,
2002; Li, Peterson, Thompson, Duong, & Freeman,
2005; Sengpiel & Vorobyov,
2005) and psychophysical masking experiments (Baker et al.,
2007b; Cass & Alais,
2006; Meese & Hess,
2004) have identified two pathways that mediate XOS. One of these is very broadly tuned for spatial frequency (Bonin et al.,
2005) and orientation (Cass & Alais,
2006) and is immune to contrast adaptation (Baker et al.,
2007b), consistent with a subcortical locus (Li et al.,
2005; Movshon & Lennie,
1979; Sengpiel & Vorobyov,
2005; though see Solomon, Pierce, Dhruv, & Lennie,
2004). The other is less broadly tuned, is desensitized by contrast adaptation, has the same time-course as the detecting mechanism (Baker et al.,
2007b), and is presumably cortical (Li et al.,
2006; Sengpiel & Vorobyov,
2005; Sengpiel, Jirmann, Vorobyov, & Eysel,
2006; Webb, Dhruv, Solomon, Tailby, & Lennie,