In the perceptual domain, studies have shown that the brain integrates different sensory cues about object properties in a (close to) statistically optimal way: the contribution of each of the cues to the final, combined estimate of the property is such that the uncertainty of this estimate is as low as possible (Alais & Burr,
2004; Ernst & Banks,
2002; Gepshtein & Banks,
2003; Hillis, Watt, Landy, & Banks,
2004; Knill & Saunders,
2003; Landy & Kojima,
2001). Memory of an object's location at previous fixations and ‘current’ peripheral visual information about the object can be considered as two cues that inform an observer or actor about the location of the object in space. Assuming that the uncertainty associated with each cue can be approximated as a Gaussian distribution in space, an optimal integrator would estimate the location of an object as a weighted sum of the remembered location and its best estimate of location from the available, peripheral visual information. In the simplified case in which position is specified along only one dimension, we can write the optimal estimate of location as
memory is the observer's remembered location (the observer's best estimate from memory),
vision is the observer's best estimate of location from the available visual information, and
perceived is the observer's best, final estimate of location (note that from here onward, with ‘perceived’ we mean that which is estimated by the observer, possibly using both visual and memorized information).
Rmemory and
Rvision are the reliabilities of the two location estimates, expressed as the inverses of the variances of the Gaussian distributions representing the uncertainties associated with the estimates
Equation 1 can be rewritten as a weighted linear sum of location estimates from the two “cues”
where the weights are given by
These weights characterize an ideal integrator. Human observers may be suboptimal, in which case, the weights that characterize their integration functions will not satisfy
Equation 4.