A great deal is known about the neurobiology of central versus peripheral vision, and we will only briefly touch on a few highly salient points of contrast here (for an excellent review, see Wilson, Levi, Maffei, Rovamo, & DeValois,
1990). The drop-off in visual resolution with retinal eccentricity, shown in
Figure 1, can be explained in several ways. First, the density of retinal receptors, particularly cones, is far greater in foveal and parafoveal vision than in the visual periphery, allowing central vision to encode higher spatial frequencies. Then, the pooling of information from retinal receptors by retinal ganglion cells is far greater in the visual periphery than in foveal or parafoveal vision, leading to a loss of visual resolution (i.e., higher spatial frequencies) in the periphery. Consequently, both the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and the primary visual cortex (V1) devote many more cells to processing central vision than to peripheral vision, a fact known as
cortical magnification. Because of this, small detailed pattern information, encoded by higher spatial frequencies, can be processed in central vision, whereas the same pattern information must be enlarged, and encoded by lower spatial frequencies, to be resolved in the visual periphery (Virsu, Näsänen, & Osmoviita,
1987; Virsu & Rovamo,
1979). It is for this reason that people
foveate (or fixate) objects in scenes in order to recognize them. Studies have shown that perception of an object is best when viewers fixate within 1–2° of it, with performance dropping off rapidly with increasing distance from the closest fixation to the object (Henderson & Hollingworth,
1999; Hollingworth et al.,
2001; Nelson & Loftus,
1980; O'Regan, Deubel, Clark, & Rensink,
2000; Pringle,
3 If gist recognition requires the use of detailed information (specifically, spatial frequencies > 10 cpd), then central information will be important, since high spatial frequencies are only processed centrally (as seen in
Figure 1). Interestingly, a study by Oliva and Schyns (
1997) showed that higher spatial frequency information can be highly useful for scene gist recognition when it provides diagnostic information, suggesting a possible key role for central vision in scene gist recognition.