A four-way within-subject ANOVA (color × test coherence × mask coherence × target eccentricity) was performed. Analysis revealed a main effect of color ( F(1,9) = 124.86, p < .0001): Performance was significantly better on average for color images. There was also a main effect of test coherence ( F(1,9) = 17.43, p = .002): Performance was significantly better on average for coherent images. A significant main effect of target eccentricity ( F(2,18) = 12.53, p < .001) was also found. There was no significant effect of mask coherence ( F(1,9) = 1.44, p = .26), and there were no significant interactions with mask coherence (all ps > .15). We therefore collapsed across mask coherence to further examine interactions between the other three factors (i.e., color, test coherence, and eccentricity).
The results are plotted in
Figure 4. The three-way interaction was not significant (
F(2,18) = 1.77,
p = .20). The color × test coherence interaction was also not significant (
F(1,9) = .50,
p = .50). Thus, the effect of color on performance does not seem to depend in any way on the configuration of the image. There was a marginally significant color × eccentricity interaction (
F(2,18) = 3.40,
p = .056) reflecting a slightly greater rate of decrease in performance as a function of eccentricity for monochrome images as compared to color images. Most importantly, however, there was a dramatic interaction between test coherence and eccentricity (
F(2,18) = 13.42,
p < .001). While performance is much higher for coherent images than scrambled images when targets are near fixation, performance for coherent images declines with eccentricity, whereas performance for scrambled images remains roughly constant.
Regression analysis reveals that performance decreased as a function of eccentricity for coherent images, in both color ( r 2 = .36, F(1,28) = 15.48, p = .001) and monochrome ( r 2 = .59, F(1,28) = 40.98, p < .001) conditions. However, no significant effect of eccentricity was found for scrambled images in either the color ( r 2 = .01, F(1,28) = 0.32, p = .57) or monochrome ( r 2 = .001, F (1,28) = .02, p = .88) conditions. One possible explanation for the lack of variation in accuracy with eccentricity in the scrambled condition is a floor effect: Perhaps observers simply cannot do the task for scrambled images, regardless of the eccentricity of the target. However, the fact that performance for the scrambled condition is well above chance for both color ( t(9) = 20.91, p < .001) and monochrome ( t(9) = 6.26, p < .001) images rules this out.
The prediction equations (
Table 1) can be used to show that the regression lines for coherent and scrambled images cross at 15.1 deg eccentricity for color images and 14.7 deg for monochrome images, suggesting that the benefit of global configuration for local VSTM is limited to the central 30 deg of the visual field.