Overall, we found a high degree of variation in capacity measurements, ranging a low of 0.8 objects to a high of 6.3 objects, depending on task demands in MOT. Two competing models, the “flexible resource pool” and the “fixed-slot” models, have been previously proposed to explain capacity limits in attentive tracking of multiple objects. The broad range of tracking capacities observed in the present study are most consistent with the view that attention works as a continuous, flexibly deployed resource.
Experiment 1 qualitatively replicated the findings of Alvarez and Franconeri (
2007), showing that as speed decreases, capacity, as measured by k-score, increases. At the slowest speed, our subjects were able to track, on average, 6.3 items. This is less than the eight seen by Alvarez and Franconeri (
2007), though still more than the 4 ± 1 limit imposed by the fixed slot model.
Experiment 2 showed that the intrinsic stimulus factor of size significantly impacted performance. These performance differences cannot be attributed to stimulus complexity (Awh, Barton, & Vogel,
2007) or to data-limitations of the stimuli (Norman & Bobrow,
1975) and run counter to those expected by crowding effects. This supports the view that target enhancement processes other than those linked to crowding prevention draw upon shared resources and flexibly alter capacity.
Experiment 3 demonstrated that, while crowding does play a significant role in MOT and capacity measurements, as has previously been suggested (e.g., Franconeri et al.,
2008; Intriligator & Cavanagh,
2001; Pylyshyn,
2004), there is a large effect caused by the presence of distractors that cannot be attributed to crowding. These capacity changes may be attributed to the attentional demands of suppressing the representations of distractors. Each of these experiments showed a decrease in capacity that can be attributed to an increased draw on central attentional resources. Depending on task demands, attentional resources can either be prioritized onto a smaller number of targets to enhance their processing, focused on distractor suppression, or used to modify the attentional resolution to prevent target-distractor swaps. This differential prioritization causes a variable number of attentional “slots” (both above and below the fixed slot model's four object limit) to be created to allow for optimal task performance.