To test this idea, we used a version of the paradigm developed by McKee and Welch (
1992). The technique involved manipulating the correlation between retinal and objective motions. In our task, observers pursued a small moving target while making judgements of the retinal speed of a larger background object (a moving random dot pattern). Target and object moved independently, so that objective motion was the sum of retinal motion and pursuit. The target's speed was changed from trial to trial, allowing us to alter the correlation between retinal motion and objective motion by manipulating how pursuit varied. For an observer without direct access to retinal motion, retinal thresholds should rise as pursuit variability increases.
It is worthwhile understanding why indirect access leads to this prediction. As McKee and Welch (
1992) discuss, one strategy available to the observer is to take an estimate of objective motion and recover retinal motion indirectly by using an estimate of eye speed. Such a strategy is unnecessary when the correlation is high, because both motion cues allow the observer to perform the task well. However, when the correlation is low, the internal noise associated with the estimate of eye velocity is counted twice if an observer uses the indirect strategy. Comparing conditions with high and low correlations therefore reveals the type of strategy the observer is using.
To manipulate the correlation between retinal and objective motions, we varied pursuit target speed from interval to interval. The most obvious conditions to compare are ones containing trials run at a fixed pursuit target speed and another in which target speed varies. Unfortunately, finding elevated thresholds in the latter case could simply reflect general observer uncertainty, fuelled by increased between-trial variation. Hence we used a technique that tried to equate uncertainty while manipulating pursuit noise. In a low-variability ‘homogeneous’ condition, each trial consisted of two intervals run at one of three pursuit target speeds (
P), with the constraint that
P 1 =
P 2 (subscripts denote interval). Target speed varied from trial to trial but was constant within a trial.
Figure 1A (top) sketches three possible homogeneous trials, emphasizing that the difference in retinal speed (Δ
R) was the same as the difference in object speed (Δ
O) (note that each trial shows interval 1 speeds < interval 2 speeds, whereas in the actual experiment interval order was randomized). In a high-variability ‘heterogeneous’ condition (bottom), each trial contained two
different pursuit target speeds. These were randomly chosen from the same set of three speeds, with the constraint that
P 1 ≠
P 2. Observers therefore always experienced the same variation of pursuit target speed across trials in both conditions. The key difference was the variation within trials. Unlike the homogeneous condition, the difference in retinal speed (Δ
R) was not the same as the difference in object speed (Δ
O), as shown in the figure.
We also compared psychometric functions constructed on the basis of Δ R and Δ O. Assuming observers have direct access to retinal motion, performance should be best described by changes in the increment Δ R. This was assessed using both threshold and goodness-of-fit measures. For instance, according to the direct-access hypothesis, the slope of the psychometric function should decrease in the heterogeneous condition when it is determined by Δ O, and its goodness of fit should fall.
Psychometric functions were also constructed for a third motion variable (ΔRel) based on the amount of relative motion between pursuit target and moving stimulus. The use of relative motion turned out to be critical to understanding performance in our 2AFC task. We identify two types. The first is the simultaneous relative motion between a concurrently viewed pursuit target and stimulus. The second is the sequential relative motion between a target and stimulus seen at different times. As will become clear, the use of simultaneous relative motion is relatively easy to control for whereas the use of sequential relative motion is not.