It is plausible that spatial maps of motion are more sparsely represented in the visual system than luminance maps. MT and MST are thought to be associated with extracting global motion and are known to have larger receptive fields than V1 at corresponding eccentricities in macaques (Van Essen, Maunsell, & Bixby,
1981). For coherent motion detection both spatial and temporal integration needs to take place, requiring large receptive fields, possibly resulting in a more sparsely defined motion field than that of luminance. It has also been shown in macaques that MT and MST response increases sharply with a small number of dots, leveling out at a density of 0.25 dots/deg
2, after which dot density does not have much effect on response (Duffy & Wurtz,
1991; Snowden et al.,
1991). The lowest dot density we used was 0.96 dots/deg
2. If motion contour integration relies on these higher level motion areas then the dot densities we used was not the limiting factor for integration size and spatial frequency resolution. However, neurophysiological studies in macaques and human fMRI data investigating tuning for such kinetic contours remains equivocal as to the areas involved. In macaques area V4 (Mysore, Vogels, Raiguel, & Orban,
2006) and the inferior temporal (IT) cortex (Sáry, Vogels, Kovács, & Orban,
1995) have been implicated and in humans there is some debate about whether a specialized area ‘KO’ for these contours exists (Van Oostende, Sunaert, Van Hecke, Marchal, & Orban,
1997), but also areas V3 and V5/MT (Smith, Greenlee, Singh, Kraemer, & Hennig,
1998; Zeki, Perry, & Bartels,
2003) have not been ruled out. Although there has been some evidence for response to motion-defined contours in V1 and V2, it has been argued that this is a result a feedback from higher motion specialized areas (Orban,