Introduction: Few studies have examined the possibility of a relationship between spatial processing and temporal processing. The current study addresses this issue by psychophysically measuring both resolution and flicker sensitivity in the same observers.
Methods: Resolution acuity (RA) and critical flicker fusion threshold (CFFT) were measured in 18 individuals (mean age = 18.7 years, females = 12). CFFT was assessed using the method of limits by a 1-deg diameter green test field. RA thresholds were obtained by using the method of constant stimuli. Two black bars (1-min. wide) against a white background were adjusted such that a gap was just noticeably present.
Results: RA was found to be significantly and positively correlated with CFFT
(N = 18, y = 0.1253x + 19.116, r = 0.474, p = 0.047).
Discussion: The results of this study might indicate that as temporal processing becomes finer, spatial processing becomes more difficult. Fine temporal processing might be positively related to adaptation or fatigue. Consequently, this may suggest that when observers are engaged in a rigorous psychophysical task that requires a high degree of scrutiny and precision, fine temporal processors could artificially demonstrate decreased sensitivity due to increased susceptibility to fatigue.