It is well known that the color matching functions (CMFs) defined by CIE cannot apply to real observers as the CIE standard CMFs are not linearly transformed from L, M, S cone fundamentals and each observer has different CMFs. It is important to estimate these discrepancies to develop a color management system in applied fields. We measured each observer's CMFs using an apparatus with the use of a digital micro-mirror device (DMD). In a linear algebraic method, the test stimuli were composed of three primaries and 31 different offset light, whose spectral components were determined by M series to be independent each other. The observer adjusted the intensities of the primaries until the test stimulus matched the reference white. CMFs were calculated by matrix operations. In the maximum saturation method (MSM), the observer adjusted the intensities of the three primaries so that the test light matched the reference monochromatic light. Although the CMFs obtained with our algebraic method were similar with those obtained directly with MSM, the CMF curves with MSM were smoother than those obtained with our method. The simulation showed that the effects of the noises in the experiment are larger in our method. “I do notwish to be considered for a talk session”