A novel concept of vision multiplexing aims to combine the benefits of a wide field-of-view with high resolution to enable people with impaired vision regain the lost function without losing the surviving one. In a number of electro-optical devices we implemented spatial multiplexing by superimposing contour images over the natural view, or over images presented on a TV. For patients with peripheral field loss (tunnel vision) we present minified contours in an optical see-through head-mounted display, while for acuity loss registered contours provide edge enhancement. We have also implemented the concept in a video player with dynamic magnification for patients with central vision loss. Using the device patients with tunnel vision can search for targets more directly and find them more rapidly. In a walking simulator we found that using only the minified contours subjects can detect impeding collision almost as well as with natural vision. Due to inattentional blindness users may detect objects or event of interest occurring out side their field at about 50% of the cases. The use of contours did not change this rate. We have shown that the effect is due to allocation of attention and not due to interference from the superimposed images.
Supported in part by NIH grants EY12890, EY 05957, and EY12912, and DOD grant W81XWH-04-1-0892. Devices were developed in partnership with MicroOptical and DigiVision. The author has patent rights and other financial interests in the devices described