Brain - computer interface (BCI) systems allow users to communicate via direct measures of brain activity, usually acquired via EEG. The speed and accuracy of any BCI communication system depends heavily on how quickly and effectively subjects can generate recognizably different brain states that reflect different intentions. For example, two common EEG BCI approaches rely on the steady state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) or visually evoked P300. Several labs have reported that individuals with a strong video game background can produce more robust SSVEP differences than nongamers. Two studies in our lab showed that gamers perform better and are comfortable with faster displays in a P300 BCI than nongamers. In addition to elucidating theoretical issues regarding human brain plasticity, attention, and gaming, these observations may have two important implications for BCIs: gamers might be better suited to certain BCI approaches and - contrary to the literature - training could improve performance with a P300 or SSVEP BCI system.