We addressed two important implications from Millner and Goodel's theory on dissociation of vision for perception and for action. i)Colour processing in the Ventral stream is not integrated in the visual guidance of body movements; ii) The access of colour information to motor systems is obligatory based on visual awareness. To address the first notion we employed a Redundant-target paradigm in which subjects reacted to spatial, colour or combination of both (redundant) targets. Further, our subjects reacted to isoluminant coloured targets preceded by subliminal incongruent ones. A second condition without subliminal priming target was compared against the first one. The observed Reaction time gain is interpreted as resulting from combined sensory information in reaching some decision criterion. We also show that stimuli blocked from awareness (subliminal cues) are able to delay the fast motor responses. Overall, the results are inconsistent with the theory of independent action and perception pathways and provide behavioural evidence for interactions between ventral and dorsal streams.