When we study the performance of multispectral sensors with overlapping bands, it is particularly convenient to apply the functional analysis theory to modeling such sensors. In this model, the spectral response functions and the spectra of incident light, which are all continuous functions of wavelength, can be considered as vectors and thus analyzed inside an infinite-dimensional spectral space. The spectral imaging process can be abstracted as a process projecting scene onto the sensor space spanned by the spectral response functions of a sensor.
For color vision, the human eye is basically a three-dimensional spectral sensor with highly overlapping bands according to the trichromatic model. With the above model, the coloring process projects color stimulus onto the three dimensional tristimulus space spanned by the cone sensitivities. The color of the stimulus is then decided by its projection onto the tristimulus space. To the best of our knowledge, this model is totally equivalent to the existent color model, but it provides much simpler interpretations of color perception as well as some well-known color phenomena such as metamerism, color spaces transformation and color matching experiments. We will apply the model in further color vision study if the model prove to be valid and efficient.
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Original projects are supported by National Science Foundation under awards IIS434102 and ECCS401154.