Studies on determinants of aesthetic preference usually focus on objective features of visual stimuli. However, in our previous research, we attempted to specify the basic implicit, subjective dimensions of a visual Gestalt. The studies on subjective dimensions implied that subjective features converged in three main factors: affective, conative (arousal) andcognitive dimensions (Markovic and Jankovic, 2001 Perception 30 Supplement, 30). The present study was aimed at examining relations between the subjective dimensions mentioned above and aesthetic preference of abstract visual patterns. Participants were asked to evaluate monochromatic abstract visual patterns on the aesthetic preference scale (the seven-step bipolar beautiful-ugly scale), and on the instrument involving 35 bipolar scales (the scales' poles were defined using adjectives with opposite meaning). The scales for the instrument were based on the previous research indicated above. Visual patterns differed on the following dimensions: “regular-irregular”, “simple-complex”, “sharp-oval” and “dark-light”. The principal component analysis revealed the same triple factorial structure as indicated in the previous studies. High and significant positive correlation was found between aesthetic preference and three subjective dimensions. The regression analysis further revealed that affective dimension (pleasant, good, gentle, nice) explained the greatest amount of variance, followed by conative dimension (interesting, impressive, rich, complex) and finally cognitive dimension (familiar, clear, regular). In the conclusion, we proposed the model for prediction of aesthetic preference based on implicit, subjective semantic features of visual stimuli.