When a particular stimulus (hereafter called the “prime”) is presented to the visual system, even under conditions where it is not consciously perceived or remembered, it elicits a specific trace of neural activity, that can modify the processing of a subsequent repetition of the same stimulus (hereafter the “probe”). This phenomenon, known as visual priming, can take two distinct forms: either a stimulus-specific facilitation (
Biederman & Cooper, 1991;
Bar & Biederman, 1998,
1999), or a stimulus-specific impairment of subsequent visual processing (
Neill, 1977;
Tipper, 1985). While the former effect (positive priming) usually occurs for the objects that are selected by visual attention (or under conditions of low attentional load), the latter (negative priming) is generally thought to reflect the suppression of ignored objects during attentional selection (e.g.
Tipper & Driver, 1988;
Fox, 1995;
Moore, 1996), although alternative theories have been proposed (
Neill et al, 1992;
Park & Kanwisher, 1994). Visual priming has been shown to be invariant to low-level picture manipulations (translation, reflection;
Biederman & Cooper, 1991), and specific to higher-level properties of the stimulus, such as its semantic category (
Allport et al, 1985;
Tipper & Driver, 1988).
In order to determine whether objects of a particular group (e.g., missed objects) were perceived when the scene was presented, a block of 40 trials of a word-picture go/no-go matching task was performed after each entire report sequence (i.e. only once, after both free and forced-choice recognition were completed for a scene). The target objects from the previous scene were extracted from their background and presented in this task, among other trials containing “new” objects that had not been present in the scene. On average, the delay between the presentation of the whole scene and the presentation of one of these 40 word-picture matching trials was around 2 minutes, that is, well under the reported duration of visual priming (
Bar & Biederman, 1998;
DeSchepper & Treisman, 1996).
We reasoned that if an object was positively (resp. negatively) primed, the actual reaction time should be shorter (resp. longer) than the reaction time of a control subject, viewing the same object for the first time. In order to make reaction times comparable between the test and control subject groups, we normalized the RTs of each test subject so that their mean and standard deviation for the set of new objects would match the mean and standard deviation of RTs of control subjects on these new objects. We then compared the RT obtained for each target object (i.e., an object that was present in the original scene) to the median RT of control subjects on the same object (in other words, this median RT was considered as a reference). If there was no significant priming effect, on average 50% of the RTs would fall below this reference, and 50% above (since there could have been no priming for the control subjects group). This is what we observed for the set of objects that were guessed in the forced-choice recognition task: 49% of these objects elicited RTs below the reference, and this proportion was not significantly different from 50% (χ2 test, 396 observations, d.f.=1, χ2=.09, p=0.8). On the other hand, 55% of the objects that were explicitly reported in the free recognition task elicited RTs that were shorter than the reference, suggesting a non-significant (261 observations, χ2=2.39, p=.1) positive priming effect, whereas 57.5% of the RTs on missed objects were longer than the reference, indicating a significant (343 observations, χ2=7.58, p=.005) negative priming effect for these objects. Whereas the former effect (positive priming) can be naturally expected to occur for objects that the subjects explicitly reported (because these objects have obviously been identified), the latter effect is more surprising. Indeed, when a subject reliably fails to report certain objects from the scene, it would be rather intuitive to conclude that these objects were not perceived. However, the negative priming effect suggests that these objects were in fact represented in the visual system, but that this representation was eventually suppressed.
This negative priming effect is also significant when comparing mean RT (paired t-test, t(9)=3.27, p=.01) and error rate (t(9)=3, p=.015) between the set of missed objects and the set of new objects (
Figure 4). These latter effects are not significant (t(9)=2.2, p=.055 for RTs; t(9)=1.48, p=.17 for error rates) for the group of control subjects, indicating again that the priming effects are indeed due to the prior perception of target objects in the scene. Additionally, the magnitude of this negative priming (calculated as the difference between error rates for “missed” vs. “new” objects) was stronger for test than control subjects (t(9)=2.96, p=.016). This effect is in fact strong enough (and in particular, stronger than the positive priming observed for explicitly reported objects) to be observed when we average over the entire set of target objects (whether explicitly reported, guessed, or missed): the overall error rate in the word-picture matching task is significantly (paired t-test, t(9)=2.4, p=.04) higher for target objects (6.2%) than for “new” objects that do not belong to the original scenes (4.0%). Once again, this comparison is not significant for control subjects (t(9)=1.13, p=.29).
This observation is particularly important because it rules out alternative explanations based on the correlational nature of our analysis. Indeed, our subjects select by their performance which objects belong to the class of reported, guessed or missed objects for which priming will later be tested. One could therefore argue that our analysis only reveals correlations between bad performance in both the report task and the reaction time task. However, this is not true in our case because the group of test subjects actually performs worse on the overall set of target objects, independent of the correlation among images drawn from these three categories.
One could also argue that subjects could recognize written names as part of the previous list, and use this information to bias their response in the word-picture matching task. In that case, the same “negative priming” should also be observed for “distractor” names, those that were actually presented in the previous list but not in the scene (indeed, from the subject’s point of view, there is no way to tell these objects from the “missed” objects). However, reaction times obtained for these distractor objects in the priming task are significantly shorter (paired t-test, t(9)=2.55, p=.03) than the ones for “missed” objects, and the error rates significantly lower (paired t-test, t(9)=2.49, p=.035). These RTs and error rates for “distractor” objects are not significantly different (t(9)=1.37, p=.2 for RTs; t(9)=.12, p=.9) from those obtained for “new” objects . In other words, the fact that a name is recognized as part of the previous list, but not part of the scene, cannot by itself account for the observed negative priming.
Yet another possible interpretation of this result could be that the difference between test and control subjects arises from a form of interference between the two tasks. For example, when presented with a missed object in the word-picture matching task, a test subject could realize that he (or she) failed to report this object as part of the previous scene. This in turn might interfere with the generation of the motor response. There could be no such effect for control subjects, who have not yet viewed the scene at the time of the word-picture matching task. However, because such an error judgment would require not only the identification of the object, but also access to the memory of responses from the previous task, one would expect it to mostly affect the longest RTs, i.e., those for which the subject has enough time to make this sort of judgment. In contrast, the shortest RTs would most probably reflect an automatic object recognition process. We find that the probability of generating a motor response for a missed object before 400 ms post-stimulus is already significantly (paired t-test, d.f.=9, t=4.15, p<.005) smaller than the probability of responding to a new object (15% in the former case versus 26% in the latter), suggesting that object recognition itself, and not (only) later cognitive judgments, is impaired in the case of missed objects. In other words, this impairment is certainly a true negative priming effect, indicating that missed objects from the scene have indeed accessed a high level of representation, even if the resulting neural activity was too weak, or did not last long enough, to allow these objects to be consciously reported.